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"Very nice Madrigal," Moody said impressed. Mirabel had just blasted several dummy's into ashes without a wand in the DADA classroom and was not feeling very tired from it. Using wand less magic was really taking a toll on her physically she's exhausted. "Do I really need to turn them to ashes? Like what if I do that on a real," she began. "Get your head out of fantasy land Madrigal!" Moody snaps at her. "You will need to kill if you want to survive!" He states. Mirabel flinches at the yelling. "But I don't want to kill anyone," she said. "Do you really think your enemies will share that sentiment?" He growls at her.

She gulps and shook her head. "Now go if Potter still hasn't figured out that egg of his tell him I'll bash him with it!" Moody growls. It was the week before the second tornament and Harry still had no idea what it was.

Mirabel nodded and left the classroom breathing a deep breath as she clutches her book bag. She guesses the lessons were useful, but Moody was really intense and she got a bad feeling when around him. It was probably just her paranoia around her Tio's prediction though.

He was still sending her letters saying he was trying to see more, but she assured him she could figure it out on her own.

Besides she needed to focus on helping Neville with his tutoring. Despite what he did the night of the Yule Ball she couldn't find it in herself to stop tutoring him. Things were tense between them though and Mirabel hated that. Neville is such a sweet boy and one of her closest friends she doesn't want him being tense with her.

Today she enters the empty classroom and found a very surprising sight. Neville had smashed the glass goblet that they were working with to turn to wine all over the floor and was waving his wand in the air angrily. He was red faced and angry, but he had tears streaming!5 down his face.

"Neville! What are you doing? What's wrong?" Mirabel asks him rushing over. "Everything! My magic isn't working! This stupid wand hates me! I wish I could get my own wand!" He screams throwing it to the ground. Mirabel rushes over and pushes him down onto a chair sitting next to him rubbing his back. "Neville what's wrong?" She asks hoping he didn't mention Draco.

"It's nothing, it's stupid," Neville said wiping away the tears. "If your crying it's not stupid," Mirabel said. Neville looks at her and found he couldn't lie. "It's just... this wand. It was my dad's and since it didn't pick me it's frustrating," Neville said. "I heard they were aurors like Professor Moody," Mirabel said and Neville nodded. "Yeah, I grew up hearing about how they were the best in the business. Both my parents were natural prodigies at magic and they fought against the dark lord when he was first in power with Harry's parents. When I was born they went into hiding like Harry's parents only they did it all on their own and refused Dumbledore's advice. Well after the dark lord died they..... they," Neville closes his fist. "Neville you don't have too," Mirabel began. "No, I want to tell you," he said and she listens. "It was the same day the news got out. His death eaters were going crazy, they refused to believe he was dead and thought since my parents were so close to Harry's parents," Neville trails off and Mirabel holds him close.

"Barty Crouch junior and the Lestrangus captured and used the torture curse on my parents for information on where their master was. The problem is they didn't know anything so they couldn't do anything to make it stop! They couldn't do anything!" Neville sobs holding onto Mirabel tightly. "Ever since they haven't been people. They're vegetables and I am reminded everyday of how much of a disappointment I am to them, that they don't even know who I am," Neville sobs.

Mirabel hugs him tightly. "Hey I'm sure my mama's food," Mirabel began. "I tried that Mira. I'm sorry, but after you told me about your mother's food the first year I stole a package from you and gave it too my parents. It didn't work," He said. Mirabel hugs him tightly as he shows her his wand. "This was my dad's wand, and I want to love it. Yet I can't stand looking at it. It just reminds me of them. I'm not ashamed of them I want to make them proud, but I hate that the only memory I have of them is laying in a hospital bed," Neville said with tears streaming down his face.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now