Second Trial

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"Mirabel what did you do?" Hermione asks the next evening. Mirabel looks at the paper Hermione was holding and she feels justice. "She deserved it," Mirabel said. On the front page was Rita Skeeter in a prisoners uniform and getting a mug shot taken. After Rita had written a article about how she was a beetle animagus and used it to get all of her stories and wrote how when that didn't work she made them up. For being a unregistered animagus and for false claims that ruined the lives of many Rita Skeeter was being sentenced to just under a year in Azkaban.

"Mirabel did you do anything?" Hermione asks. Mirabel looks at Hermione and said. "She threatened my family. When you threaten my family you don't get a second chance. You also regret it," Mirabel said. "What? How did you even get her to write the article?" Hermione asks her. Mirabel shows Hermione a page in her potions book. "Tricked her into drinking a extra strong truth serum. For once she wrote a truthful article," Mirabel said. Even though she knows her friends wouldn't turn her in, they'd be in danger if they kept her secret.

"Okay that's really good and all, but can we focus on the trial tomorrow? I need to figure out a way to breath under water for a hour," Harry said.

"Just use gilliweed," Mirabel said. All of them looked at her. "What?" She asks. "We've been in here," "for four hours," "for the past four days," "AND YOU BLOODY KNEW HOW TO BREATH UNDERWATER!? THE WHOLE TIME?" Harry yells at her and got shushed by the librarian. Mirabel looks sheepish as her friends stared at her. "Umm? I forgot?" She said.

"Where do we get giliweed?" Hermione asks. "Isabela can grow it and send it too me by morning before the task. It should help Harry breath under the water for a hour or so," Mirabel explains.

Harry sighs in relief rubbing his forehead glad to hear that. "Would Harry sir like a cup of calming tea sir?" Mirabel turns her head and was pleasantly surprised to see Dobby the former house elf of the Malfoy family.

He was dressed in several socks and scarves and seemed positively happy holding up a tray of warm tea. "I also have coffee for miss Mirabel, but I think it's a little late for that," he advises. "Dobby! Oh mi pequeño gatito sin pelo. How are you what are you doing here?" Mirabel asks the house elf. "Dobby works as Hogwarts now! And Dobby is paid miss," he explains proudly. "Oh yeah we forgot to tell you we saw him," Harry realizes taking a cup of tea. "Where was I?" Mirabel asks. "Making those dresses," Ron answers.

"That's amazing Dobby! I'm so proud of you! Want me to make you anything?" Mirabel asks clapping her hands joyously. "Dobby loves socks miss," Dobby answers. "Oh you'd love my papa he loves socks too. He actually always wears the same mismatched socks everyday," Mirabel said. "Eww why?" Hermione makes a face. "To represent us his daughters. For Isabela he wears a flower, for my sister he wears a purple sock with a dumbbell, and for me he wears a sock that matches my dress pattern," she explains. "Awww that's so sweet," Hermione changes her tune. "Dobby would like to meet misses papa he sounds delightful and Dobby would like to say sorry for scaring them," He said. "Don't worry I already told the family and papa says it's okay," Mirabel said.

Dobby beams hearing that as Mcgonagall walks up to them. Her posture was straighter than normal and her chin was held a little higher too. She trips for a moment and mutters something under her breath before continuing up to them.

"Granger, Weasley, Madrigal. Come with me please," She says. "Just in a minute Ms M I need to," Mirabel began. "That was not a request Ms Madrigal," she said quickly in a irritated voice. Mirabel pauses, Mcgonagall has never used that tone on her before.

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