One, Two, Three... Four?

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The grand hall was buzzing with excitement as everyone took their seats. The Durmstrang sat at the end of the Slytherin table and the Beauxbatons were on the end of the Ravenclaw table. The tables had been a little cramped because the Goblet had been placed in the very middle of the hall.

"Where's Mirabel she's going to miss it," Hermione said looking down to the doors for her best friend. As  soon as the words left her lips the doors opened again and Mirabel was furiously following Mcgonagall.

"You need to make him stop! You need to call it off! Three were meant to be, but from the Goblet!" Harry didn't catch the rest of that as Mirabel followed Mcgonagall as she headed towards the teachers table still talking insistently.

Mcgonagall turned and fixed Mirabel with a harsh stare and Mirabel stops. They were near the headmasters of the school, but Madam Maxine and Dumbledore were talking and Karkaroff was drinking from his own goblet.

Mcgonagall exchanged some words and then sent Mirabel off. Mirabel had no choice, but to go to the tables and sat next to Harry. As soon as she sat down she suddenly latched onto his arm so tightly Harry winces.

"Mirabel is everything alright?" Harry asks her. She does not look at him, eyes only on the Goblet of Fire and the other hand fisting her skirt. Mirabel's demeanour was very off putting for everyone nearby and it got them nervous too.

Harry's attention was drawn away from her and too Dumbledore as he stood in front of the Goblet of Fire. "Now the moment you've all been waiting for," he announces as he waves his hand around the hall dimming all the lights until everyone was bathed in the beautiful blue flames of the Goblet. "Now to pick our first champion," the Goblet flares and fire dances in rings turning a scarlet red until suddenly a piece of paper bursts forth from the Goblet and Dumbledore catches it looking at the piece of paper before smiling and announcing.

"The champion for Durmstrang is Victor Krum!" The Durmstrang boys cheered as Victor Krum stood up. Some though looked at Victor with contempt and Hatred. Harry cannot help but grimace. Krum was going to be hard to one up if one of the trials was on a broom. The Goblet repeats what it did before and a new piece of paper flies out. Dumbledore looks at it and announces.

"The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore announces. The French students clapped, but Harry notes that some looked like they were about to cry as Fleur followed Krum down the passage he had gone.

All the Hogwarts students were at the edge of their seats waiting for the last name to be called, the name of the Hogwart's champion. The Goblet flares and Dumbledore catches the last peice.

"The Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore announces and the up roar is loud especially at the Hufflepuff table. Cedric stood up and was grinning like it was the best day of his life.

He clapped the hands of everyone he passed and when he got to Dumbledore the headmaster gave him a proud hug and a pat on the back as Cedric followed the other two champions. Now that everyone had been picked Harry expected Mirabel to look less nervous or even smug that she had been right. He was proved wrong when both of Mirabel's hands clenched onto Harry's arm tightly and she had her eyes focused on the Goblet.

"Mirabel what's wrong?" Harry asks. "Lo Seinto Harry I tried," Mirabel whispers. Harry's confused, but he turns back to Dumbledore when he began talking again with flamboyant gestures to keep the excitement going.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history; only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory. THE TRI WIZARD CUP!"

Barty Crouch placed a large object on a podium and pulls back the cover on it to reveal a ancient looking trophy made from what Harry thinks is iron and glowing blue glass. The hall cheers and claps when the Goblet of Fire flares again.

Mirabel and the Triwizard TornamentWhere stories live. Discover now