The Unforgivable

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Mirabel walked into the Gryffindor common rooms the first Thursday morning and found a interesting sight. Ron was looking exhausted with Hermione as she forced buttons into the hands of her friends.

"Hola everyone what you got there?" Mirabel asks. Hermione has a quick glance at her before trying to hide the buttons. "Hermione is starting a Elf Revolution," Harry answers showing the purple button that spelled S.P.E.W. "Whether they like it or not," Ron finishes dryly.

"Cool can I join too?" Mirabel asks. "I thought you wouldn't want too," Hermione said hesitantly. "Why wouldn't I? I'd love supporting you helping improve elves living situations," Mirabel said. "I'm not just helping their living situations I'm going to free them," Hermione states.

Mirabel furrows her brows. "But where would they go?" Mirabel asks. "They'd be free they could go where they want," Hermione said. "But didn't Ron say they like working like that? I agree their situation should improve and that there should be some laws protecting them, but," Mirabel explains. "But what?" Hermione asks. "But you can't just expect them to be happy free! If it's such a disgrace for both them and wizards than where are they going to go? You don't just free them and expect them to be happy. You need to work towards that at a slow pace," Mirabel explains. "Of course they'll be happy being free!" Hermione insists. "Well not if they're homeless, no job no home," Mirabel states starting to get frustrated.

"Wizards will help them, in America they are free," Hermione said. "How will they get all the way to America!? And that does not mean that they'll just get a job once there," Mirabel loudly insists and the girls got into a heated glaring match.

"Girls, you are both making good points, but," Harry began to disway. "If your going to just stand by and let people treat innocent creatures like garbage than be my guest!" Hermione angrily states to Mirabel with her voice raised. "Well if your going to act like just freeing them is going to do anything good than your a idiota!" Mirabel states much louder.


Both of them turn to Harry and Ron scoots away from him for protection. "Your both right, look Mirabel Hermione's making a good point on how house elves are treated. I saw first hand how Dobby was treated and what your trying to do is noble. Mirabel has a point though. Just freeing them won't do anything. This is why I think Mirabel should be the vice secretary," Harry said also trying to get out of S.P.E.W.

Mirabel turns to Hermione. "I'm just saying my part and I want to help my friend," she says. Hermione looks at her and sighs. "Alright, but this is my thing alright?" Hermione asks. "Of course," Mirabel said.

The boys looked at each other and think one thing. Girl fights were heated.


Mirabel and Hermione continued to ignore each other the entire day. Despite making up somewhat they were kind of treading the waters. Snape had noticed and had been all to eager to pair them together for the lesson which resulted in both girls having green skin until Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Speaking of the current class it was being taught by Mad Eye Moody. All week the fourth years have been hearing about what kind of a teacher he was. The only firm idea Mirabel had about the teacher was that he wasn't afraid to go against the guidelines, whatever that meant.

Mad Eye Moody walked into class with the scowl that never left his face.

"Today we are learning about the three most unforgivable curses!" He exclaims as he wrote his name on the board and turns back to the class. "Who can tell me about them?" He asks his magic glass eye looking every which way.

Hermione's raises her hand, though it was hesitant. "Yes? Ms?" He began. "Hermione's Granger, the three curses are so named because they are unforgivable the use of any one of them is forbidden," Hermione said.

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