The Return Of The Dark Lord

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Mirabel tries desperately to get out of her bindings as The Dark Lord himself rose out from the caldron. He had just used some spell with his father's bones, Harry's blood cut from his wrist, and cut off Wormtail's hand before.

Voldemort was back now, he was back in a working body, with a ugly snake face, and with a wand. He looks at himself with a excited grin flexing his fingers and getting used to his new body.

This entire time he had not looked towards Harry struggling to free himself nor did he see Mirabel still trying to get the energy back to free herself and fight. She's lost Cedric, she's the reason Crouch is dead, she refuses to loose Harry too.

She looks around herself and sees her wand a little bit in front of her. She summons it to her hand and puts the tip against the vines. As she wanted it breaks them and they fall down her. She gets out of them and when she looks up her heart seizes seeing at least two dozen wizards wrapped in dark black cloaks with scary skeleton masks were now in a circle surrounding Voldemort. Quickly she hides behind the tome stone her heart pounding in her chest.

She peeks around the corner carefully and saw Voldemort addressing his returned followers. "My friends, how wonderful it is to see each of you," he says turning around to get a good look at each of them. "Thirteen years it's been yet here you stand before me as if only it were yesterday we were all gathered here as one, but! We are not all here no, some are missing, some are dead, some are hidden as I want them to be, and some were loyal enough not to renounce me!" he hisses turning to each death eater. Mirabel could feel their fear in front of Voldemort. She wonders what was the braver option, arriving here to face him, or to run.

"I confess myself to be disappointed," he hisses in the still night breeze. "Not a single one of you tried to find me," he said and turns to one of the Death Eaters. "Crab," he stole a mask from one. "Goyle!" He continues down the line stealing the masks off of each death eater. Until he came to the last one that had the tuffs of blond hair beating out from his hood. "Not even you," the dark lord said and stole the mask and hood revealing Lucious Malfoy.

Mirabel covers her mouth in a horrified gasps as she leans back against the tome stone. She looks down at the ring on her finger tears filling her eyes. Does this mean Draco knows? Is Draco with Voldemort too? Please Abuelo don't let Draco be one of them, don't let our friendship, our entire relationship be built on a lie. She prays to her Abuelo as she here Lucious begging for forgiveness from Voldemort. "I returned!" Wormtail announces and than seems to regret it instantly when he cowers.

"Oh Wormtail," he says gliding over. "It was not loyalty that made you return," he said and grabs Wormtail by the throat. Mirabel grips the grass watching. "It was fear and your want to have protection. I don't believe you deserve your hand, not after you let the girl escape!" He hisses and pushes Wormtail to the ground making him curl up in pain. "My lord," he begs. "You nearly ruined everything! I had to move my plans up earlier! If that girl had gotten back in time to warn everybody I wouldn't be here right now. In fact the spell isn't even complete! I don't have her power like I was supposed to have!" Voldemort said and he's is right. If Mirabel had been faster, if she hadn't ditched the Pegasus thinking it was faster if she flew as a dragon, if she had just gotten there before the champions entered the arena then Cedric would still be alive. "Now that you let her get away I'll never be able to find her family and spill their blood! They were supposed to be dead before I returned to my full power so I didn't have to waste my time with them! Making me the only true heir to all of Hogwarts and getting my revenge!" He yells at the cowering excuse for a man.

Voldemort than regains his composure. "But you did serve well and I suppose I should keep my end of the deal," Voldemort waves his wand and a new silver liquid hand appears for Wormtail and he bows thanking his lord and master. Voldemort looks at the body on the ground and touches Cedric with his foot. "What a nice young man," he said with pity.

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