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Third person POV:

When Akaza woke up daki was still sleeping. He couldn't deny, daki was the perfect woman when it came to looks and any man would be lucky to have her....but out of all the men she had chose him. Despite all of this there wasn't really a spark that most couples have. Akaza had been thinking for so long he didn't notice that daki had woken up, he only noticed when she called out for him snapping him out of his thoughts.  "Akaza is everything okay?" She said a hint of concern in her voice  "Oh I'm fine I'm just-uhhh thinking about when we should tell people about us!"  There was no way Akaza we going to tell daki what he was really feeling, because what if the spark came later of in the relationship? What would he do then?  "Well how about we tell them right now?!" She asked, her voice full of excitement.  "R-Right now?! Isn't it a bit too soon?"  He said, trying to clam his voice in the end.  "Oh it's never to soon!" She said, giving him that big smile again.

They both walked out of Akaza's room, as soon as they did they fell through the floor. Akaza quickly wrapped his arms around daki, holding her in a bride like stance while still falling. Finally they stopped falling, they were on the ground, both of them knew this place really well, it was where uppermoon meeting were held. This meant that there was a upper meeting. Akaza was the first to look around, he saw Kokushibo, douma, Hantengu, Gyokko, and Nakime. He then let down daki, instantly she went running to all the others.  That's when Akaza saw him he hadn't noticed that the master was standing behind him a bit to his left. "GUYS WHO'S DATING!" The uppermoons looked confused, well all of them except for Gyutaro because daki had already told him. Before Akaza could stop her she blurted out. "ME AND AKAZA ARE DATING! AAAA!" She squealed the last part, it made everyone's ears hurt. Muzan knew what was going to happen, he quickly used his speed and went to Nakime. "Nakime get everyone out of here except for Myself, Kokushibo, Douma, Daki, and Akaza. I don't want you here as well, don't let anybody come back in until I tell you to." She quickly nodded not daring to disobey there master. In a flash everybody was gone except specific people muzan asked to stay.

As soon as everyone was gone Kokushibo punched Daki so hard she went flying through four different walls one after the other. He didn't stop there he didn't even let her hit the ground before he used his speed that made him look like he was teleporting behind her and punched her again. This time she fell to the ground making a very big crater. Then he kicked her face over and over again. Then he proceeded to smash her head cutting it off with his sword, punching it, kicking it, stabbing it with his sword, even kicking her head off not giving her time to re-grow her head back fully. Muzan just sat back and watched this happen, he had never before seen Kokushibo with such rage, other then being upset that his brother was still stronger than him but not even that can compare to the rage that Kokushibo had. Akaza on the other hand was trying to help Daki but before he could even get to her douma wrapped his arms around Akaza waist not daring to let go. Douma knew that Kokushibo was experiencing blind rage and if Akaza tried to stop him Akaza would just end up getting himself hurt. And if Kokushibo found out he had hurt his crush he would never forgive himself. Akaza was still struggling against douma but then it happened.... Akaza had suddenly stopped struggling. This confused douma very much.

⚠️ warning manga spoilers ⚠️



That's when Akaza saw it... it looked like a woman laying down in a similar way that daki was, she had black hair that was tied into a bun and a hair pin that was shaped like a snowflake. To say Akaza was confused would be an understatement... he was more than confused he didn't know who this woman was. But she was just smiling at him.... That's all she was doing, just one small smile.

Akaza quickly snapped out of it, and was able to land a solid kick on douma's chest. Only for douma to grab him again. Akaza had enough and yelled "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"

This was enough to make Kokushibo stop and look over to douma and akaza. Hearing his crush yell was more then enough to get his attention. Hearing his crush yell was enough to snap him out of it. Maybe he was still mad or really desperate to help his crush of 100+ years but he was over at douma in a Flash. Instantly punching douma's head off, and grabbing Akaza from his arms while he was distracted with his re-growing head. Everything was blurred for daki so she didn't know what was even going on or what happened to her.

After Kokushibo grabbed Akaza he quickly sped to his room, locking the door behind him.

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