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Anyways thank you Nightshaowslayer, AAnime-WeebA and amorehaha for this idea!

Before you say anything about the character names just know that I can't come up with good names to save my life.


Name: Akaza
Age: 21
Breathing: Earth

Name: senjuro
Age: 23
Breathing: flame

Name: Semai
Age: 27
Breathing: sound

Name: Otto
Age: 25
Breathing: insect

Name: Sakiawa
Age: 32
Breathing: Wind

Name: Suma
Age: 17 (about to turn 18)
Breathing: Flower

Name: Nitsuri
Age: 28
Breathing: Lightning

Name: Toru
Age: 29
Breathing: Stone











Third person POV:

Hashira meeting-

"Oh my God it's been so long since I've seen you AKAZA! I really missed you so much!" Semai said clearly excited and fired up over only seeing Akaza. "oh shut the fuck up Semai, it's only been two weeks."  "But that's soooo long and not at all flamboyant." Akaza looked at his 'friend' clearly annoyed. "I know but 2 weeks is a long time and you're my best friend so that makes it even longerrrrrrr!" Semai whined to the pinky. Suddenly there was a voice behind them. "Semai do you ever shut up and stop yelling. I mean I know you take after your master Mr.Uzui with your loud and 'flamboyant' shit but seriously." Semai let out a offense gasp. They both turned back to see otto. "IT IS NOT SHIT! JUST GO TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!" A very noticeable blush spread across otto face. "He is NOT my boyfriend..." otto said In all seriousness. They both began two bickering forward and backwards, saying stuff like yes he is and no he isn't. Akaza and his short temper got annoyed. "OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BICKERING BITCHES!" The pair quickly shut up. No matter how high up you were as a Hashira or how well known you were everybody knew Akaza could beat anyone to a pulp. And no one dared to challenge him seeing as the last person who did let's just say the body was beat so badly it looked like some mush on the ground. You could barely tell it was even human it looked like if you repetitively hit an animal with an ax over and over again. The bones we even crush some split out into different angles, and in all honesty when he beat people the corpses looked more like demons than actual demons did. And he did all that with his bare fist. No sword or anything on his fist.

"A-akaza come on why-why don't you clam down....I MEAN THAT IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE I'M SORRY IF THATS OFFENSIVE!" The three looked back to see Nitsuri bowing. "OH speak of the devil am I right Otto~" Semai said with a grinned. Otto looked down clearly ashamed. "It is okay my friend I think being gay is very flamboyant!" Otto grinding his teeth and was about to yell at him but before he could Nitsuri cut into the conversation. "I-I'm actually gay too! ally!" Nitsuri said clearly trying to lighten the mood.

"Wait is there anybody who isn't gay in the corpse?" Akaza asked now calmed down. "I'm not!" Suma said everyone was so busy bickering they had it even noticed the other hashiras had arrived. "Me neither." Another voice spoke up this time more gentle. They turn to see Sakiawa. "And I don't think senjuro is." She continued to speak. Suddenly senjuro looked up from the book he was reading near the corner. "Oh! Oh yeah I'm not gay! Sorry!" He said chuckling at the last part. Toru just sat staring at everybody like they had 3 heads, Before speaking. "Why are we even talking about this?"

"Hello my children." A voice that everybody recognize said, just a voice caused everyone to look forward and bow down instantly. "Any guesses on why I have called you here my children?" Everyone stayed quiet until Toru spoke up. "My apologies my Lord but I'm afraid none of us have an idea of why we have been called here." The master smiled before beginning to speak again. "Hmmm maybe you don't have an idea but I'm pretty sure Akaza does, but I'm afraid that is just my guess judging by his face." While everyone was kneeling they shifted their eyes to the Earth hashira. "Judging by my guess I would say we're here because of the increased amount of demons, but those are only my assumptions by Lord."  "Correct you are Akaza. Anyways my children the demon population has gone up by 10%." The meeting went on for an hour or 2 more. But when I was over Akaza was asked to stay behind.

"Akaza you are my most trusted hashira so I would like to get this mission to you cause I know you will get this done. There is said to be a 6 eyed demon who is incredibly powerful. I've set 54 other demons slayers that are non-hashiras, none of them came back alive. I can count on you can't I Akaza?" Without missing a beat Akaza quickly responded. "Of course master I'll have it done." The master let out a soft smile. "Thank you, I knew I could count on you. You may take your leave now Akaza."

And with that the Earth hashira left to go find the 6 eyed demon.

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