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Thank you ItzelAleman9 and Ani_gone I really appreciate the inspiration for this chapter! (I hope I spelled your names right)










Time skip 2 days
Third person POV:

Akaza still can't walk properly, he can only walk a few steps without falling or having to grab something for support.

But he has learned how to walk on his hands, tho Kokushibo wouldn't really let him do that in fear of hurting himself.

Finally Akaza was allowed out of Kokushibo's room, The last couple of days Kokushibo had been very overprotective, Not letting his lover out of his sight for a second. And not letting anybody else see his lover. But Akaza thought it was funny how overprotective Kokushibo was after sex, he even teased him a couple times about it, starting to get more comfortable around him.

Kokushibo had his arm around Akaza waist, holding most if not all of his bodyweight. Which Akaza was of course thankful for. They were walking down the hallway, it looked like most upper moon's were out on missions or just not there. By this time all the hickeys on Akaza's neck, waist, collarbone, thighs, and basically his whole body were all healed up. They were enjoying the peaceful silence until they heard— "AKAZAAAAAAA!" They both turned around just in time to see daki flying at Akaza with her arms wide open trying to catch him into a hug. But Kokushibo quickly stepped in front, making daki hit his chest, which made her fly backwards. As I said before she had no idea what happened to her, Kokushibo's Speed was too fast for her to comprehend. So she had no idea Kokushibo was the one who hurt her. "OWWWW! How dare yo-....oh Kokushibo-San hahah I didn't know it was you! How are you? anyway I need to see my boyfriend. So excuse me." She said moving to the right trying to get past him. But Kokushibo wasn't having it and again stepped in front of her. But she didn't get the hint and still tried to walk past. Since Kokushibo wasn't holding Akaza any more he held onto a door which was right next to them, trying his best to stable himself.  "Daki..." atmosphere was immediately changed after Kokushibo spoke.  "H-hey Kokushibo no need to be so serious!" Daki said as she started to sweat.  "Oh I think I have a reason to be serious..." he said glaring at her, Kokushibo then walked up to her and whispered something in her ear. After he did she turned usually pale, and the look in her eyes looked like she saw her whole world crashing down.  "Y-your lying! No we-we just got together! AND HE MOST DEFINITELY WOULDN'T LEAVE ME FOR SOMEONE AS UGLY AS YOU!"  Kokushibo just chuckled, as she went on. "NONE EVEN LIKES YOU!"

Kokushibo looked her dead in the eyes and said.  "Oh are you sure about that because last I checked your 'boyfriend' liked me enough to let me fuck him."

Daki's eyes widened as tears begin to fall. "Akaza...tell me he's lying...you-you wouldn't let someone as ugly as him fuck you, would you?..."  Akaza just stood there not knowing what to say for himself. When she didn't get a respond her heart shattered.  "Y-you- YOU FUCKED UP PIECE OF SHIT! I NEVER SHOULD HAVE LIKED YOU! YOU TWO ARE JUST A SELFISH ASSHOLE WHO DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES!" She scream that them tears running down her face. She stayed there for a second looking both of them in the eyes before running away, still crying her eyes out. Leaving both of them standing in the hallway.

Just then Muzan walked out of the door that Akaza was stabilizing himself on, causing Akaza to fall. But before Akaza could hit the ground muzan grab the back of his tiny vest.  "Akaza do you mind telling me why you weren't here for the last two days? Do you enjoy making me wait Akaza?"  It turns out that Muzan had a mission for Akaza, but he couldn't find him. "M-Master I assure you I did not mean to cause you a wait. And I can assure you it will never happen again-" before Akaza could finish what he was saying Kokushibo cut in, walking towards the two.  " Master it is my fault, and I went a bit too hard. I apologize to say but it will be happening again, very soon actually..." Akaza Face flushed red. Muzan's eyes widen. "Oh my...Akaza you are forgiven, i'm sure you already have a lot of pain you are dealing with." Akaza gave us a relief. But again Muzan spoke up. "I was behind the door so I heard everything that happened, I am going to erase everything of you and daki being together from her mind." Kokushibo continued the conversation.  "Or we could just kill her it be quick and easy she's VERY weak...." Muzan smiled at his business partner. " that's one of the things I like about you, but I'm afraid her brother actually has potential and if he were to lose her he would go insane." Muzan looked back at Akaza, he noticed that he was still holding him and he used a bit of his strength and easy threw him at his lover. "Kokushibo take a better care of your lover." Muzan said before walking off. Kokushibo huffed clearly irritated at what muzan said. Kokushibo bent over and grabbed Akaza's legs with one hand and grabbed his waist with the other before picking him up bride style. "Babe clam down, i'm sure Master muzan didn't really mean it." Kokushibo's face Instantly turned red from what his lover had referred him to. But Akaza didn't seem to notice why Kokushibo was really blushing but he just bushed it off. Kokushibo used his speed and headed to his room. And plopped onto The middle of his king size bed still holding Akaza. "Kokushibo we still need to change." Akaza protested. "says who?" Kokushibo question him with a small smile. Akaza thought about it for a bit before giving his answer. " I guess you're right.." and with that they both fell asleep cuddling each other.








By the way I will still be excepting any ideas! So if you still wanna comment ideas you can. You comment me ideas on this chapter or the last chapter.

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