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It had been half an hour since Tauriel had disappeared into the woods.
Where is she? Legolas thought.He looked around at all the guards,anxious and waiting.

Unnoticed by the already agitated prince, Bolg detached a small pack of orcs to search the forest,it passed unnoticed into the woods and soon they found Narzug's dead body and Tauriel unconscious beside it.
They dragged Tauriel's body far away from the forest,by that time, Bolg too had joined them.
"Take it to the misty Mountains,this lady might still be of use"Bolg said and cursed the elleth

After Bolg left, Legolas sent a search party to find the captain,disappointed,they returned with no sign of her.
Legolas went to report to the king and a strange ignorance of the matter seemed to be in Thranduil's heart.He didnot seem to be interested in it at all.
"If it is as you say,son. We have all right to believe Tauriel is dead."

Legolas' mouth went dry."Dead?No she isnt!Arent you going to find her?"

"Legolas we dont even know where she is..How can we find her"
"Ada.."Legolas stared at him disbelievingly. How indifferent could he be?
"And I forbid you to go anywhere out of our realm."
"FATHER!"outraged,Legolas burst out,"WHY?!"
" Because Arwen and her father will be arriving soon today,You have more things to worry about Legolas"
"I WONT MARRY ARWEN!" Legolas stormed out of the room.
"Yes you will!"Thranduil called after him.

¬¬¬¬¬Somewhere near Mirkwood¬¬¬¬

Arwen sat in her carriage,How could this be happening,? How did Legolas approve to this.
Her father was forcing her into a wedding!
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of screams,reaching into her boot,she took out a knife and jumped out of her carriage.

Too late,Elrond was gone.He was taken by the orcs of the Misty Mountains.
"My lady," a guard, "you must go on quick now!"

She jumped onto her horse,Asfaloth.
"Nirolim Asfaloth!" and scared, she kept riding for the palace of Mirkwood as fast as her horse could go.

¬¬¬¬¬in the Misty Mountains¬¬¬¬

Elrond,now prisoner,was thrown to the floor brutally.He got on his feet and saw himself face to face with the goblin king.A groan distracted him.Looking for the source of the sound,he saw a red haired elleth in a green dress on the ground at the king's feet.Her arm was bending in the entirely wrong way,it was broken.

"Can you heal her?"the goblin king asked.
"Why would I do anything for you?"
"Because,..."an orc came forward and pointed his knife at Tauriel's neck,"she's no use to us half alive."

Elrond knew Legolas loved Tauriel,he would not let someone else lose their beloved."Ok,wait!I'll heal her"Elrond said.

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