Chapter 2-My Bosses

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Isabella's POV
hours pass with no sign of Mr.Anthony. I finally assemble the last bit of papers and get up stretching a bit.

"You're done?" Maria asks me appearing out of nowhere

"God you scared me" i say a little surprised and she blushes

"It's lunch time, you want to have lunch with me?" She asks me with sparkly eyes and i consider for a moment

It's already lunch time and Mr.Anthony isn't back, what is happening to him?

"Isabella?" Maria snaps her fingers pulling me out of my thoughts and looks at me expectantly

"Sure, let's go" i say without giving much thought to Mr.Anthony

We make our way to the nearest restaurant and settle down placing our usual orders.

"So what is occupying you so much today?" Maria asks me taking a sip of her drink and i look at her

"It's just how Mr.Anthony is acting these days and also the new heir" i say truthfully speaking my mind

"It's fine, I'm sure he has an explanation for you, i know how close you guys are, he considers you no less than his daughter" she says and i smile.

I've always seen my boss as my father, worked for him for more than 4 years now.

We quickly finish our lunch talking about trending gossips then head back to the office so we could continue our work.

Maria turns the first left getting out of the elevator and i walk further down the hallway to my desk
I see the papers on my desk and pick them up

"He probably is here by now" i assume seeing his parked car in the basement

I make my way to his door and knock on it, receiving a go ahead- i open the big wooden door and make my way in.

Mr.Anthony glances up to me from his desk but my eyes turn to the company beside him.

The unknown figure, whose back is on my side never turns around to look at me making me curious 

Mr.Anthony's face looks worn out as he smiles at me, without expressing much, i make my way to the front and put the papers on his desk explaining him the reports

As he signs the papers, i turn my eyes a little to the figure and my eyes go wide as i look at the person.

The past night flashes in my mind and i have a hard time believing that i am not dreaming.

Mr.Anthony signs the papers and looks at me. I quickly take the papers from his hand and realize the stranger never saw me, taking that as my cue to leave, i turn my back and walk straight towards the door

"Isabella" I stop in my tracks unsure of weather or not to turn around

"can you get me the documents you received this morning?" Mr.Anthony asks me and i exhale a little calmly

"I didn't receive any documents in the morning sir" i speak turning around being as polite as possible

Boss calls the desk and after a while, gets up walking towards me

"They are in the reception, i should go get them" he says

"I should get them, you should stay sir" i plead with him and he passes me a fatherly smile

"You should ask my guest if he needs something, don't worry i will go and get them" he says in a comforting voice and then leaves closing the door behind me

I stand in the same place for a good few seconds unsure of what to do

"You" the stranger speaks to me for the first time and i look at him

He glances up to look at me and my breath hitches in my throat

"He looks even more handsome now" i think to myself then curse myself for being so unprofessional

"yes sir, can i get you something?" I say maintaining my posture

He squirms his eyes at me and suddenly stands up from the desk, he walks towards me in the perfect steps with one of his hand in his pocket.

I try to calm my frequent breathing but to no use, he makes me nervous

He stops close enough to me and i try to look at him
"Haven't we met?" He says examining my face and i struggle to breath

"I don't think so" i speak in a polite manner. We never "met" he just helped me for which i am very thankful

He doesn't give it much thought and turns his face away from me as i sigh in relief

"You know i am going to take over the company right?" He tells me more of a announcement

"I guess so" i say trying not to reveal too much incase
it backfires

He looks at me and i wonder what he is thinking right now.

He brings his face closer to mine and i feel his hot breath on my nose, he's not too tall from me but the height difference seems a lot making me uncomfortable

"I did meet you yesterday" he says as if remembering something and i curse myself.

"We did?" I try to play dumb since I don't want us to know each other through the incident of him "helping" me

"You know we did, why are you lying?" He says and my throat dries at his voice change. His voice becomes more cold and his face becomes emotionless

"I don't have a really good memory and i might not have had a good look at your face yesterday" i quickly speak making up a lie.

His eyes show a hint of disappointment but they only flicker for a second before he goes back to the cold eyes

Hearing the door click open, i quickly pull myself away from him and he looks at the door

"Found 'em" Mr.Anthony comes back showcasing the brown envelope in his hand and i nod

"If you don't need me for anything, i will leave you to it sir" i say calmly and earn two stares, one of approval and another- I don't wanna talk about it

"I'll let you know if i need something" Mr.Anthony says and i quickly make my way out closing the door.

I walk to my desk and sigh in relief taking a sip of water

I don't know why that guy made me so nervous and what just happened but this is surely not a good start. I take a moment to calm myself down and hear my phone ringing

Reading the caller name, an instant smile appears on my face and i quickly answer it

"Hey baby" his sweet voice speaks to me making me forget all my worries.

"Have you eaten?" He asks me concerned

"I have, you?" I ask him and he replies agreeing.

"listen do you want to meet me-" he speaks but gets interrupted when the extension rings and i quickly end the call with him

"Can you come in?" Mr.Anthony speaks through the speaker and i sigh

Taking a deep breath, i knock and open the door
walking in his office. This time both eyes are looking at me and his eyes are sparkling which for some reason, makes my stomach tie itself in knots

"You probably know that i am retiring" Mr.Anthony speaks to me and i look at him, his eyes full of guilt and his face full of worry make me feel bad for him

" i decided to give my company to my son, Nicholas" he says mentioning his name

" When Nicholas takes over, he agreed to not change my employees" Mr.Anthony continues speaking and my heart starts to beat faster as i get hold of where this conversation is going

"You are my personal employee, so i am not sure-" He continues to speak and i close my eyes accepting my reality of getting fired

"I am not firing her" Nicholas makes an announcement and i open my eyes to look at him stunned. Mr.Anthony smiles and relief washes over his face but i look at Nicholas confused, i thought we weren't on the best terms?

"I want her" he says looking right at me


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