Chapter 39-Escape From Hell

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Isabella's POV
Nicholas called Carlos and with his help, dragged Cole out of the lounge room into the basement

I wanted to follow them but my heart was feeling very bitter at this sudden moment and so i decided to stay back

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, then sat on the chair and quietly drank my coffee

"Alright we're done" Nicholas said coming out of the basement and i smiled

Carlos walked behind him dusting his hands off in process

"But we can't keep the mafia boss here for long. It won't be long that his men start searching for him" Carlos said and i nodded in agreement

"He's right. The mansion has a lot of people who respect and obey Cole's orders and it won't take long for them to revolt" i added and Nicholas got to thinking

"Are you sure Cole's the spider mafia boss?" Nicholas asked Carlos who grabbed a nearby document and handed it to Nicholas

Nicholas walked over to me and carefully opened the document as we scanned through the contents

The papers stated some facts about the mafia, its origin and previous bosses

"Wait this mafia is running since almost 98 years?" I asked in disbelief and Carlos sighed

"Yes and Cole has been the head of this since 4 years now"

"Lamberti" Nicholas read out the name and i looked into the paper

"I look a lot into it and it turns out that Lamberti is the family name that is also the mafia name" Carlos said handing another paper

"Just like its Cadogan for you" i looked at Nicholas and he nodded

"Cole Flynn Lamberti" i spoke and Nicholas nodded

"So he was behind everything then" i added the dots and Carlos nodded

"Yes and i was able to make it out thanks to those two people you guys have held hostage" Carlos said walking behind me grabbing a cup for himself

"What now" i asked Nicholas and he sighed

"I guess we just get answers now" He says putting down the papers looking at a distance

We all spend the night roaming around the house doing everything to distract ourselves from the fact that there's a very powerful mafia head held hostage in our basement

I sit on the table with a few documents as i analyze the facts and scenarios. I lose track of time and soon fall asleep on the table only

I wake up with my eyes being disturbed by the shiny sun and i put a hand in front of my eyes as shield as i sigh in annoyance

"What is this" i speak irritated as i get up and realize where i had been sleeping

My neck starts to ache and i spend a good few minutes stretching my body until i feel fresh

I glance around the room to see Nicholas passed out on the couch and Carlos nowhere in sight

I make my way to the room to get changed and head back to the lounge area once I've taken care of my appearance

I look around to see no one in the room and my brain once again starts to overthink

"DAMMIT" i hear someone yell and almost drop the water bottle from my hand

I sense the voice coming from the basement and quickly run towards it

I go down the stairs and run to where i see Nicholas and Carlos standing with Nicholas's hand on his forehead and Carlos sighing in frustration

"What happened" i ask Nicholas and he looks at me dodging looking into my eyes

I look at him and then Carlos, judging by their expressions i assume something very wrong happened and so i walk in front of him to see

I look at the opened door and the chains around the chair that are falling lose from it

My eyes go wide as i realize what it might mean

I run to the other room and slam open the door to see the same empty space in the middle

"Cole and Jenny escaped" Nicholas yells across the floor

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