Chapter 26-Betrayal comes from within

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Nicholas's POV
I stand there taking my time to process Silas's death. My brother - he died in the arms of his murderer. What did he do to deserve that?

As everyone gain back their senses, i look at the frightened man who's still holding a dead Silas in his arms. I slowly walk towards him and he hesitates stepping back to the end of the bridge where it meets the sea

"YOU INVITED YOUR DEATH YOURSELF" i say rather yell at him and notice his expression turning to utmost terror

Thats what i like. When people fear me as they know me

We hear sirens at a distant and my first guess remains my last- its the police

The man and Isabella both panic looking at the crime scene and the man throws Silas's body in the water as i run towards him

Luckily his men or whoever get to the bridge and he runs with them in the car as i stand on the bridge looking at the racing car with my brother's murderer in it

The car goes away and away until its out of sight and soon a trembling Isabella runs to me

"We need to leave" she says holding my hand in a firm grip pulling me away from the bridge

"My brother is in here. He died here. I am not leaving without him" i say as i jerk my hand away from her unsure of what to do and how to handle this

"We can come back for the body. We don't have time to pull it out right now" she says as i notice the sirens getting clearer and clearer

She's right. It would be a mess if we were to get caught right now. But he's my brother :(

My heart hurts as i recall the bullet that pierced through his chest and his last words

"LETS GO NICHOLAS" Isabella shouts as she holds my hand and leads me across the bridge back towards the warehouse

My mind is numb and blank as my legs run with her to the car

She sits in the driver's seat while i sit in the passenger's not saying a word

She bolts the car away from the road, the warehouse getting farther with every passing second until it is out of my sight

No one speaks for the whole ride and i feel my phone vibrating the whole time

"It's your dad" she says as we come to a stop and she looks at the caller ID

"Don't pick up" i say to her in a voice that very much doesn't sound like mine

Her hand hovers over the phone but she removes it keeping her hand on the steering wheel staring into a distance

"Nicholas" she says looking at me and it takes me a moment but i raise my eyes to look into hers

Her eyes portray so many emotions that i feel like the eyes are talking to me and i can pretty much understand them

Her eyes have guilt for my loss, love and support for me in this time

There's a feeling in her eyes that i know will get me in deep trouble- hope

Isabella drives back to my place and we get out

"I need to go see Jenny, will you be alright on your own?" She asks me and i nod without turning around then walking into the house

Isabella's POV
I make my way to my house with a guilt in my heart that somehow this is all my fault

Only if i had stopped Nicholas from burning the place, this wouldn't have happened

The thought of Nicholas losing his only brother was eating me alive but i had to stay strong, for everyone

"Jenny?" I called out as i unlocked the door stepping inside the dark house

No one responded back so i walked inside to check the rooms

My mother was not here, neither was Jenny

I made my way to my room and opened the lights to the dark room

I looked around to see a suitcase laying in the middle with clothes all around it.

My eyes darted towards the papers in the corner and i picked them up

My eyes scanned the paper as they widened and my heart started to beat faster

"Isabella?" Jenny called me out from somewhere in the house and I quickly hid the papers coming out of the room

My eyes were teary as i made my way to where Jenny was calling me from

She looked at me and immediately ran to me pulling me in a tight hug

For a second I didn't hug her back, the feeling of betrayal was so strong for me to fight with it but soon the feeling of care and love i had for her despite everything made me hug her back

We stayed like that for a while until she looked away and i looked in her eyes

Her eyes felt distant, it felt like we belonged to two another worlds, that we were so close yet so far.

Jenny scanned my face

"What's wrong?" She asked me and i looked at her with teary eyes

"I was scared when we saw those pictures jen, I'm sorry" i said making up an excuse and she passed me a small smile

She hugged me back as she sobbed silent tears and my brain ran to the new piece of information it had just learnt

The saddest thing about betrayal remans the same- it never comes from your enemies.

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