Chapter 27-Words of Betrayal

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Isabella's POV
It was the same night and Jenny was asleep in the bed beside me, my eyes were wide open and sleep was nowhere close to me

I looked at the time on my phone

1AM is showed and i sighed. Where will i even go this late.

The past events of the day flashed in my brain and i felt restless with a comforting Jenny snoring beside me

She wasn't going to harm me i knew, but the thought of betrayal led all kinds of outcomes in my brain and i felt like i had to do something about it or tell someone

The first person who came to my mind was Nicholas but it was too late, how was i supposed to go back- i thought

I closed my phone and put it back on the side table as i pulled the blanket up to my chin and tried to sleep closing my eyes

After several minutes of not being able to sleep, i gave up and with my phone in my hand, i carefully made my way out of the bed and walked out of the room quietly

I went outside grabbing my car keys and opened the front door only a little when i heard a noise

I turned around but didn't find anyone, i thought i saw someone in my mom's room and decided to check

The house was darker today and it gave me chills

I opened my flashlight as i tried finding a switch for the lights and soon turned the hallway lights on

I opened my mom's room door but she was not home

I remembered she told me she was staying with her friend they had to complete their presentation. Its good anyways

I closed the door and turned back around

"WTHAT THE FUCK" i shouted as i looked at Jenny's face that was only inches away from mine, her eyes were so wide that i felt like they were staring right through me into my soul

My breathing became frequent by every second, but why was i scared? I asked myself and it helped me calm down

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" i told Jenny and she nodded, took a step back and folded her arms across her chest

"Isabella i know you know" she said calmly and i looked at her in disbelief

Every sort of emotion took over me as i thought of my reply

"You don't need to pretend" she said and i let out a small laugh more of a relaxed sigh

"Jenny but-" i was stopped short with Jenny's actions

She grabbed a pocket knife from her pocket and i widened my eyes in surprise

"Jenny" i whispered to her but it didn't seem to work. She didn't look like the Jenny i once knew but instead someone who was very distant and unfamiliar to me

Her eyes looked tired and cold. As if she didn't care

"Im sorry but you have to go" she said to me and immediately attacked my neck

I pushed her away from me and she stumbled across the wall before falling down knocking over the table in process and the vase fell on her hand injuring her hand

I ran from the hallway towards the door as Jenny regained her composure

I struggled to open the door that was now locked instead and it panicked me

I didn't know what to do and she was now very angry

I got a call on my phone and without looking at the name, i accepted the call

"Isabella" Nicholas's voice echoed in the hallway and i stopped listening to it

"Nic" i spoke in a trembling voice and without waiting for my answer, he ended the call

I tried my best to defend myself from Jenny who once again ran towards me with the knife in her hand

I dodged her attempt as she waved the knife at me by bending low

I took a step forward getting under her arm and stood behind her strangling her from the back

She tried to stab the knife but failed to get me off balance with no good aims

She was bad at the knife thing but she still managed to give me small cuts here and there

With a struggle, i tried grabbing a fake plant from beside me but she held my hand stopping me from gripping it

I swung my free hand from her other side and she was caught off guard

She loosened her grip on my other hand and I quickly grabbed the plant shattering it on her head

I hit her on the head and her consciousness faded as she swung her knife one last time and this time it cut off a large piece of skin around my forehead and my arm in process 

She fell off on the ground beside me and my knees felt weak as i collapsed beside her with silent tears pouring out of my eyes

I looked at her, me and then our surroundings

I never expected something like this to happen between us

As the walls of trust that i had built around her collapsed, i realized the truth behind all the lies i'd seen. My perfect friendship with her ended as i looked at her in remorse, with tears streaming down my face

I looked at my bloody hands and the bloody surroundings despising how it all turned out

The front door banged behind me for a second before the door clicked open and a worried Nicholas stormed to me

I looked at him with my puffy eyes as he looked around the surroundings, Jenny and all the mess

He swiftly picked me up in his arms as i looked at him breathing faintly

He led me through the front door as the last bit of energy dripped off my wrist in a form of blood

I led the blood traces into his car and he helped me settle down as i closed my eyes going into a deep sleep

I opened my eyes to a room that was too unfamiliar to be mine

I looked around the room but my eyes landed on the person sitting next to me with his eyes closed

He opened his eyes to look at me and a wave of relief washed over him

"Isabella" he said softly as he placed his hand on my hair carefully touching me

"Are you okay?" He asked me and i nodded. I could feel pain in some parts of my body but not worth troubling Nicholas- i thought

"I'm glad you remembered what i taught you and it came to use" he said almost whispering and I remembered our conversation from a few days back

•A few days ago

"And also every time you are in trouble and we happen to connect somehow, call me 'Nic' instead of Nicholas as a code name so i can understand that something is wrong and without leading a doubt, take care of it"


His words echoed in my brain and i realized how smart he was to come up with something like that back then

"You did good" he said judging me by my expressions and i smiled

"Also Isabella" Nicholas said looking at me, his expressions shifting from soft to tense

"We have her"

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