Chapter 30-Now it all makes sense

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Isabella's POV
After the plan is discussed and perfected, me and Nicholas sit and wait patiently

I get a vibration on my phone and quickly unlock my phone to check it

"Who's it?" Nicholas asks me and i look at him nervously

"Its cole" i say and his expressions darken

"That doctor?" He says and i nod

"What does he want?" Nicholas asks with a hint of anger and i read out the message to him

"He wants to meet you?" He says and i think

"Its probably because he heard about my mom. After all she was his patient and he took care of her." I say assuming and Nicholas nods as he takes my assumption into consideration

"Do you want to go?" He asks me and I quickly get up grabbing my purse and phone

"I should, its been a long time"

I drive to the given address and then sit in my car as i take out a compact mirror and fix my hair

"Its nice, i look pretty" i say as i sigh and look around the place

It seems like a cafe but maybe not a popular one because I don't see too many people around here

I give my car to the valet and then make my way inside greeting the staff.

The woman on the reception asks me my name and upon knowing it, she guides me to a private corner as if she already was waiting for me

I walk inside to see a man standing across the window, his back on my sight

My footsteps make him turn around alarming him of my presence and he passes me his heart warming usual smile

"Hey" he walks over to me and gives me a soft hug

"Its been a long time" i say a little uncomfortably sensing the tension

"It is" he says and then gestures to the table in between and we make our way to it

He helps me sit in the chair and i start to relax. Its probably the quiet place thats making me feel uncomfortable

"So i know it was a short notice and i wanted to meet you urgently" Cole starts apologizing for his sudden urge to meet and i smile at him

Soon our coffees are bought and while Cole is speaking, i take a sip from mine

"Isabella, it might sound weird but there's something i want to tell you" Cole says and i nod at him to proceed as i take another sip of my coffee

The coffee is so nice and well blended that it makes my stomach light and my head feels good and at rest

It doesn't take me long to realize that something is wrong with me and i start losing my consciousness

"Isabella i really-" Cole's voice fades as my ears start to ring and i try hard to keep my eyes open

The last thing i see before i close my eyes is a calm Cole sitting in front of me smiling

•2 hours later•

I open my eyes to feel my surroundings and the texture beneath me feels like the softest thing one can lay on

I slowly open my eyes to look around me and dart at the unfamiliar room that is pretty much not mine

As i get up, my head hurts as my memory starts coming back and soon I remember me fainting in the Cafe

I quickly get out of the bed freaking out and approach the big wooden door trying to open it

The door doesn't budge, even a little and i feel the same uncomfortableness

I look around the massive room and spot a window, I quickly run to it and push it open to reveal a balcony with a mesmerizing view

My legs shake as i walk over to the balcony and the view in front of me makes my heart beat faster

There's water in front of me for as far as i can see

There's a few boats in the water that look like they belong to a private person and i assume the boats belong to whoever's place i am in

I walk back into the room and look around it as i figure out what to do.

I hear the door click open and i see a familiar face walking inside

"Cole" i whisper as i look at this sight of him

He looks the same but yet so distant, i know him well but as of this moment i feel like I've never known him, he feels like a complete stranger to me

"Try again" He says in a soft voice and i look at him in surprise

"Amore" he says cupping my cheek and his touch makes me feel weird

I push away his hand slightly and he takes it off me putting it in his pocket

"How did you like your room?" He asks me and i look away from him

"Why am i here?" I ask him and he doesn't answer

"Cole" i look at him and his eyes meet mine.

His mysterious eyes hide all his secrets and threaten to spill them out

His expressions are so cold yet so soft for some reason that I can't figure him out

"Why am i here Cole?" I ask one more time and he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance

Without answering me, he walks to the window and stares into the distance as my patience starts to run out

"WHY AM I HERE COLE?" I ask once again looking at the room as a weird cold takes over me and i rub my shoulders to warm myself

"BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE" He shouts turning around

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