Chapter 19-Second Lead Syndrome

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Nicholas's POV
the wedding was not what i wanted it to be but i was glad everyone was having a good time.

Isabella was out somewhere talking to her friends and i was here in the corner having a drink

I was about to inherit everything, become the most powerful and fearful i could ever be, but this feeling in my heart- this strange feeling was eating me up. Something was wrong and i could feel it.

I took a sip of my drink as i heard Isabella's laugh from somewhere. Her laugh was like a melody to my ears, calming them down. I could listen her laugh forever

It was about time we drove home- i thought and so got up to look for her

I didn't find her in the crowd and started panicking a little

Isabella's POV
"Hey Isabella" a familiar voice behind me spoke and i turned around to see Cole

"Hey Cole" i spoke happily as i hugged him and he hugged me back

"Long time" i said and he nodded smiling

"Congratulations by the way" he said passing me a bouquet of flowers and i happily took it from him

The alcohol was starting to get me and i was a lot happier than I should've been.

"You okay?" Cole asked me as he looked at my drunken self dancing

"Yea yea I'm good. Do you want to dance?" I asked him and he hesitated

I looked around to see almost everyone had left and so i dragged him to the middle and danced with him 

He gave in after some time and we laughed as we enjoyed the night

"Isabella I don't think you should-" he started to speak but i cut him off placing a finger on his lips

"Shh, we don't speak- we dance" i said as i placed a hand on his arm and he removed it calmly

"You should sit" he said grabbing my hand but i pulled away

"I want to dance" i said a little angry and got back to my little steps. I was out of rhythm but I didn't care- no one did. Everyone was either tipsy like me or they were too involved in their conversation to notice me.

"I got married. This is the last time i would have this all so let me" i said to Cole a little disheartened and he looked at me with worry

Cole dragged me out of the crowd and we walked to a silent corner

"Isabella what is wrong? You don't look happy?" Cole placed a hand on my arm as if comforting me and my gaze travelled to his hand

"I don't know. Nothing is going well in my life" i said almost crying and he placed his hand  on my cheeks cupping them

"Are you not happy with Nicholas?" He asked me looking into my eyes and his sparkly eyes made me sad

A tear fell off my eye and on his hand.

"Isabella?" Nicholas's voice pulled me out of Cole's eyes and i looked at his angry face

He walked towards us and looked between us

Cole casually removed his hands from my face and i wiped my tear away as Nicholas looked between us

"What is happening?" He said and no one spoke

Suddenly i felt a weird pang in my chest and it made me uncomfortable

"Nothing i was just helping her calm down. She was drunk" Cole said to Nicholas and Nicholas looked at him with cold eyes

"Trying to calm her down or trying to get something out of her?" Nicholas said and i widened my eyes in shock

"Nicholas what the hell are you saying?" I managed to say but Nicholas's eyes were fixated on Cole

"You're mistaken Nicholas" Cole said getting a little angry but Nicholas didn't seem to be bothered

"I said i was just helping her" Cole said raising his voice a little but neither of them backed down

"Listen-" i tried to say keeping a hand on my stomach but none of the men backed down from the heated argument

I let out a small cry as the pain increased, my world felt dizzy and my vision started to blur

"Isabella" Nicholas turned to look at me as my knees felt weak and i fell to the ground just in time for Nicholas to catch me

He held me down carefully as i breathed faintly in his arms and he helped me stay awake

Cole didn't run to me instead he dialed to call an ambulance

"Thats not going to work, I'll take her myself" i heard Nicholas saying right before i fell unconscious

Nicholas picked me up in his arms and ran out of the place as Cole ran behind him.

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