Chapter 8- The contract

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Isabella's POV
i go back to the hospital after getting a call from Jenny. We sit patiently as we wait for the doctor to analyze the reports

"So" The young doctor looks up to us and his eyes meet mine for a brief second before they go back to the reports.

"We need to perform the surgery as quickly as possible" he says with a hint of sadness

"Why-y so urgently. Is something wrong?" Jenny stutters as she speaks and i hold her hand in a firm grip giving it a reassuring squeeze

"Im afraid the lung cancer is going to damage more of her organs as days pass and if that happens-"

"The chances of survival and success even with the surgery would go very low" i complete his sentence for him and he meets my eyes once again with pity.

He gives me a small smile and his blue eyes flicker. I smile back at him and get up

"Where are you going?" Jenny asks me as a tear drops off her eye

"Can we start the surgery tomorrow in the morning?" I ask the doctor turning around and he gets up

"Yes but-"

"Don't worry about the bills. I will get them all payed by midnight" i say looking at jenny. She nods at me and then i leave the room.

I walk out of the hospital and open my car door. I put the key in ignition and thats when a tear slips down my face and i look at a distance unable to stop it.

Another tear drops, then another thats when i realize i am crying. I get a hold of my emotions and bite my lip trying to control my tears and blink them back. After a good 5 minutes, i pull myself together and make my way to the person i would have never thought of asking for help.

Nicholas's POV
"Here's the last thing you need to sign then we can wrap it up for today" Carlos hands me a document and i sign it after examining through it. He picks it up and i sigh in relief

"It wasn't easy" i say as i lean back in my chair and recall the events for today

"Let's go home" Carlos says and i nod getting up. We walk towards the door and He opens it for me but stops short

"What happened" i say and look towards him but my eyes drift to the person standing in front of Carlos

"Ms Isabella" Carlos says a little stunned as i take in her appearance.

"Can we talk?" She says looking at me and i nod unable to form words

Carlos gives her space to walk inside the office then heads out himself

"Nicholas about this afternoon-" she begins to speak stooping her head low

"Its fine Isabella. You weren't thinking" i say.

I wouldn't have even looked at the person who would treat me like that if it wasn't her. Looking at her vulnerable face, her swollen lips and puffy eyes made my stone cold heart feel bad for her. Her sight made my heart feel her pain, as if i was living through it with her.

"Does your offer still stand?" She asks me

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