Chapter 7-A Proposal

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Nicholas's POV
"Here it is Sir" Carlos puts a file in front of me
"Here is what you asked me to look into. The background of Ms.Isabella"

I open the file and read through it.

"Her life is very normal but recently she is struggling" Carlos says and i raise an eyebrow

"Her mom is struggling with a respiratory disease and she must undergo a surgery to live. The surgery obviously costs a lot of money and Ms.Isabella is going through a hard time because of it" Carlos concludes and it all starts making sense

"I also saw her in front of the accounts department today Sir" he includes and i look at him

"Why was she there?" I ask as i recall seeing him in the department

"She never told but the person working there told me she wanted to know if she could take a loan or not"he concludes and it doesn't take me long to connect the dots.

"Where can i meet her right now?" I ask Carlos and he hesitates

"At the cafe right down this street"

Isabella's POV
i aimlessly stir the spoon in my coffee as i think about the events of this day. So much hope and it got completely shattered.

I need to figure out something or else- i stop thinking and calm myself down

I don't notice someone grabbing a chair in front of me until they call out my name

"Nicholas" i say loudly as my breath hitches in my throat

"Hello" he says as he looks at me. I look at him thoughtfully. Why is he here? Did that accountant tell him? Did that secretary tell him? Is he going to fire me? Several questions interrupt my thoughts and i find it hard to breath

"Isabella, calm down" Nicholas says to me as he observes my frequent breathing but to no use

"Calm down Isabella" he says as he takes my hand in his firmly and gently strokes my knuckles

His touch sends electric currents through my body and a chill down my spine

I pull my hand back away and so does he. No one speaks for a moment and the air around me tightens

"Listen i have a proposal for you" he says calmly and i look at him seriously. He takes his time and i take a sip of my coffee meanwhile

" i need you to marry me" he says suddenly and i almost choke on my coffee

I cough as i take a sip of water and he passes me a tissue

"You what?" I say a little loudly and earn a few stares from people.

"Shh" he says and i lower my voice

"Listen i need you to be in a contract with me. Be my wife for sometime until i can inherit the bussiness.
You heard everything yesterday so im sure you know what i am talking about" he says and i recall the conditions and his reaction to them.

He didn't want to marry someone so he is going to fool everyone?

"I will give you money in return, enough that it will solve your problems and cover your hospital bills" he says looking at me and i know for a fact that he is talking about my mom.

Anger rushes through me and i quickly grab my purse getting up.

"You're trying to use me to fool everyone? Just because i am vulnerable? No thankyouu. I would rather die then accept your offer. Im not that vulnerable that i would need help from a guy like you Nicholas" i slam a few 5 dollar bills on the table and take my leave from there stomping my feet in anger

I don't wait for a split second before getting into my car and driving to my home.

Nicholas's POV
A genuine rage surrounds me as i recall the humiliation i just received. What does she mean a guy like me??

She should be grateful that i am proposing her and helping her solve her problems but instead she is being a stupid girl. I speak as i drive back to the office and call Carlos downstairs waiting for him in the car

"Sir let me drive" he says as he looks at my fuming face and i ask him to sit in the passenger seat

I speed through the streets and road, along the traffic in anger as i tell him everything that happened and he holds on to his dear life.

After driving aimlessly for 20 minutes i park along a shore and get out of the car as he follows me.

"Sir she was probably hurt because she thought you were taking an advantage of her situation" Carlos said trying to lighten my mood

"Do i look like someone who would do that? I was simply offering that dumb girl something that would help her mom but her ego was too much.

What did she even mean by a guy like me???" I said angrily and Carlos shuts his mouth

"Sir I don't think she will accept your offer"
He says calmly

"Why is that?" I ask him

"She is already dating someone and so she just might try to get a loan" he says and i nod. Now i know why she reacted so dumb

"Where is that guy?" I ask Carlos and all colors drain his face.

"I think we should not go that far" he says

"Listen to me. This bussiness is what i have always dreamed of. I am not going to let some stupid condition ruin it. I will go to every necessary measure even if it means killing that  damn guy" i say angrily and make my way to the car with Carlos hot on my feet

"Okay here it is" Carlos says handing me a gps. A bar? At 7 PM? Really?

"Lets go then" i say stepping on the accelerator
In no time we reach the bar and i scan the space for that lowlife.

"Sir" he says as he points to a guy making out with a girl

"That definitely isn't Isabella" i say as i look at that guy making out with some blonde girl on the couch. I make my way through to them and sit closely waiting for the right time

"So you are single right?" That blonde girl asks the guy and he considers for a second. He takes the girl's hand in his and nods giving her a kiss

I exhale as i look at him. That trash head, he never deserved someone as good as Isabella. An instant rage rushes over me and without thinking twice, I walk over to him losing my tempter and pat on his shoulder

He signals me to leave without turning around and i pat his shoulder again

He turns around but before he could say anything, i land a punch right on his jaw and he falls back.

"Man what the fuck" he says touching his jaw and i sigh

"This is for her" i say as i make my way out of the club and into the car

Such a low life, but the good thing is- he's not going to be a problem now Isabella.

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