Chapter 34-Emotional confusion

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Nicholas's POV

•location: Blue Grotto Malta•

48 hours of running and here i finally am

The mansion in front of me looked the opposite of what i had expected it to be. It was so unlike Cole but then again, these days i couldn't say i knew people well

We quickly glanced at the ins and out of the mansion without getting seen and then made our way to the hotel

It was still daytime so me, Carlos and Colton spent the entire day perfecting the plan

Colton was here with me because he had good access to the computer and he could help us track locations in case we needed them

It was around 8PM that we decided to drive back and get her

Carlos handed me a gun that i kept in the waistband of my jeans after checking the magazine

Just hold on a little more Isabella, i am coming to get you.

Isabella's POV
last night i returned back to my room with so many questions inside my head

As much as i despised Cole and doubted his words, his words were making a lot of sense

Its been days that i have been here and there's no sign of Nicholas. Is he even coming to get me or am i just leaning onto false hope?

I made my way to the bathroom to give my mind a break from my own overthinking and hopped in for a good shower

After that i made my way to the closet and picked out a white colored full sleeve shirt pairing it with blue jeans

After i was done with my hair and outfit, i looked myself in the mirror

I looked so much different now that i had started accepting things i have always been avoiding

I hesitated to open the door of my room, I don't know why but it felt illegal to do so

My hand hovered over the knob before i took in a deep sigh and opened it

The door opened and i sighed in relief

I opened it completely and walked out of it glancing here and there

Several employees stopped their usual work to look at me but quickly got back to them.

I took my time walking around the house, admiring everything.

I walked around the house absentmindedly and soon ended up in front of a door.

The door look so much different from the usual doors this house had and it developed curiosity inside of me to check the room

I knocked on the door when i heard a familiar voice speak from the inside

I bit my lip as I realized i walked myself into the devil's manor and had no chance to back off

I opened the door slowly and peeked inside the room when i saw a man sitting behind a very large desk surrounded by papers

He glanced at me from the desk and a smile appeared on his face

I made my way inside and closed the door behind me taking two steps forward

Cole stood up from the desk and took off his glasses keeping them aside

His reading glasses made him look so much different and for a second he didn't seem like the Cole i had been despising

He made his way to me and with every step that reduced the amount of distance between us, my heart rate increased to a point where i could feel it beating wildly inside my chest

That was when Cole was just a step away from me

He didn't stop when he got closer to me and so i hesitantly took a step back

He got closer and my back hit the door

He got closer to my face and smirked

"What brings you to my humble office today" he spoke casually with a hint of amusement

"I-i was lost" i spoke stuttering

"Well, good then" he said and pulled back

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he looked at me

"Well I'll show you around, but for now i need to complete some paperwork" he said and walked over to the desk

I sighed in relief and turned around when he spoke to me again

"you can sit in front of me and wait till then" he said in a husky voice and i slumped my shoulders in defeat

Welp.. i tried

I sat in the chair opposite to him and tilted my head up resting it against the headrest of the chair looking towards the ceiling

I looked around the massive room then

There was a big window on my right side that was currently covered with light white curtains.
On my left side was a wall covered in expensive looking paintings from famous artists

The overall room theme was meant to be dark. There was a bookshelf behind Cole's desk covered with hundreds of books giving a touch of mystery to the room

The room didn't contain a lot of things and it felt comfortable to sit in there even if i was doing nothing

I was spinning around in the chair aimlessly when i started to feel dizzy and stopped

"Alright alright. Let's go" Cole said closing the last of his file and keeping it aside

I got up awkwardly from the chair and Cole walked beside me as we made our way out of his study

We walked along the familiar corridor but soon i realized it was a different one

It led to a kitchen that had a counter, some bar stools on one end, and then a sink, inductions and other kitchen appliances on the other

The kitchen was also built in dark colors that added a sense of calmness

"What would you like to eat" Cole asked me and i looked at him in surprise

"Uh Im not sure" i said honestly and he smiled and nodded

He spoke something to the chef in a language that didn't sound like english and the chef soon nodded and gave a thumbs up

Cole made his way towards me and opened the door from the kitchen end that led us outside in the garden

The garden was huge with flowers and a pathway that was leading towards a pool

There was a big table in between the garden and Cole pulled out a chair and sat against the table gesturing me to do the same

We sat in awkwardness unsure of what to do when soon the food was served buying us room and time for conversation

"So um what are your thoughts on living here?" Cole started the conversation and i almost choked on my food

"Huh" i said clueless and he looked at me in surprise which quickly switched to calmness

"I mean we had a conversation yesterday and i hope you're considering your options" Cole said hinting to what he told me about Nicholas

"Uh yea" i said as i took a bite

"I'll consider living here" i said calmly and Cole smiled looking at me

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