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Gerard walked the grocery store isles, trying to ignore the looks he was getting. He was still wearing Frank's pajamas, just a little too short and a little too tight on his legs. Some shitty music was funneling through the speakers, the harsh light glaring on the epoxy floor was too bright, and Gerard was exhausted. He just wanted to get the cereal and get out. He reached to grab a box of Lucky Charms for Mikey and plain Cheerios for himself and his mom. He also got some coffee grounds so he could make some when he got home.

Not looking up, he walked to the cash register, unloading his items on the conveyer belt and fishing his wallet out of his hoodie pocket. A voice spoke over the beeping of machines and the shuffle of people.

"Still buying the same coffee, huh?"

Gerard's head shot up, his heart catching in his throat, his eyes wide like those of a scared deer.

Bert McCracken smiled at him from across the register.

I Drew You Once in Art ClassWhere stories live. Discover now