Seventy-Five (The shirt, for reference ^)

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What the hell was he supposed to wear?

I mean, he wanted to look not like shit if he was meeting Bert; this was a big deal.

20 minutes later, a pile of rejected clothes lay on his floor, and he turned in the mirror, examining at the different angles of himself. He wore black, ripped jeans and a striped black and white long-sleeve. He pushed his hair around in the mirror.

It had grown a lot in the past few months, and it was getting pretty long. He liked it, though, so he didn't think he'd cut it just yet.

After staring at his own face for a solid minute, he decided on just a little bit of eyeliner under his eyes. He had bought it once when he'd been dragged to the mall with his mom and she'd used the bathroom. He smudged it a little.


Honestly, as long as he looked better than Bert, it was fine.

He sat on his bed. He had thirty minutes until Gerard picked him up, leaving him plenty of time to sit and worry.

A List Of Worries:

-Bert was two years older than him and BARELY; Frank had only turned 17 two months ago

-He was in a band, one of Frank's main, unachievable goals

-Bert and Gerard had a longer history than Frank and Gerard

-What if Bert and Gerard had all these inside jokes and Frank was just a third wheel?


I need to stop, he thought. Gerard said that he was with me and I believe him.

Okay. That helped. Sort of.

For some reason, the little voice in his head decided to bring up the fact that they still weren't officially together but Frank silenced it before it made him even more nervous.

A car beeped once outside, and Frank peeked through his little window to see Gerard's red bug running in the street, the exhaust leaking from its tailpipe visible in the cold. He threw on a hoodie over his shirt so his mom wouldn't ask about it, walking down the stairs.

"Bye, mom, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, hon. Are you wearing eyeliner?"

Frank froze.

"Uh, no."

He shut the door behind him and turned to face the bitter December air.

Here we go.

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