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Wanna hear a story? Of course, you do.

Once upon a time, when our Frank Iero was perhaps 7 or 8, he was at a restaurant with his mom and her friends. They were loud and annoying and they endlessly jabbered on about things Frank couldn't care less about.

So instead, he turned his attention to the people walking by the restaurant and watched in what I guess you could call fascination as a couple walked up to each other and started making out, right on the sidewalk. One of Frank's mom's friends noticed him staring and nudged him with her pudgy elbow. "Hey, kid, someday that will be you! Kissing girls out on the street." She looked at the rest of the table and pointed at him. "This one's gonna be a player, I know it!"

The table broke out in that cackly-sounding white-middle-aged-lady laughter.

Frank couldn't help but be reminded of that moment just now as he stood lip to lip with a boy in a cul-de-sac, whose eyes were still open in surprise as the rain poured into his sneakers.

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