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I go to June's Bar off campus because I don't want to be surrounded by drunk freshman partying their way through orientation week. June's Bar is a small place, easily missable. I only know about it because Devon used to come here to be alone and think, not to mention that it was the last place we visited together before he died on his birthday.

Now it's my birthday, and I'm all alone. It's been two years since his passing, and I feel just as confused about his death now as I did then. Why does cancer even exist in the world? Is god really so cruel that he allows us to suffer this way?

I take my shot of tequila, forcing my dead husband out of my mind. I promised mom that I would be a normal 21-year old woman today and get plastered the way that everyone does on their 21st instead of crying in my apartment all night.

I'm ordering my second shot when the door of the bar swings open. There aren't many others here, so I notice immediately when a handsome older guy walks inside. He beckons his friend over through the entryway, and I realize that the friend is even more attractive than the first guy. The more attractive of the two has messy black hair and a slim, fit build.

He glances over in my direction, and I immediately look away. I can feel his eyes on me, and when I peek at him from the corner of my eyes, I see the way he's fixated on my face. Just to see his reaction, I uncross my legs. Immediately, his eyes seem to burn into my long legs, tracing the length of them with his eyes until he lands on my miniskirt.

I'm wearing a new birthday outfit today. When I went to the mall, I bought the miniskirt, thinking that it would cheer me up. At the time, it did, but now I'm just sad again.

I want to be with Devon, but of course that's impossible.

Tonight I paired the tiny skirt with a thin white top and chunky white sneakers. It is a risky outfit, wearing all-white; I suppose I'm in the mood to take risks, which explains why I buy the handsome man a shot of tequila on me.

He looks over at me, seemingly surprised by my forwardness. In response, I send him a small smile. My hand lifts my own shot glass in front of me, and I hold it in the air as if to say cheers. The handsome man's friend leans in to say something into his ear. I can't make it out of course, but it makes the man smile.

He has a really cute smile. My attraction to him surprises me because I haven't felt this way about anyone since Devon. After he died, I simply stopped paying attention to men.

But this guy—his looks seem to demand my attention. I struggle to look away from his rugged face. He has a strong jaw peppered with stubble. The man's nose is perfectly straight, and his long lashes frame his brown eyes perfectly.

The man raises his shot glass in the air, as if to say cheers back. We down our respective shots at the same time, and that's when I look away to nibble on some peanuts. I linger for a moment, deciding if it's worth it to go say hello, but I decide against it. It's getting late, so I should probably head home. I'll just lie to mom late and tell her I got blackout drunk having the time of my life. She doesn't need to know the truth. After grabbing my purse off the bar, I walk toward the door.

"Thanks for the drink," the man says, his voice smooth like chocolate. I smile at him and wave, not bothering to say anything as I duck out. It occurs to me that I feel slightly disappointed he didn't try and stop me on my way out, but I push the thought out of my mind. There's no need to make myself any sadder than I already am at the moment.

I start walking down the street toward the direction of my apartment, and that's when I hear him.


"Wait!" I call into the night. It's pitch black out because it's midnight, but I can see her clear as day in the all-white outfit. She looks downright sinful. That skirt barely covers her ass, and her shirt is so small that the sides of her waist are exposed.

My eyes watch the way her head whips in my direction, sending her long brown locks bouncing behind her. I gesture for her to come back, and she seems to hesitate. After a pause, the woman hurries in my direction. A waft of her floral perfume hits my nose as she stops in front of me. Fuck. She smells so good.

"What is it?" She asks me.

It's so cold that her nipples are poking against the thin cotton of her shirt. Damn it, I need to be looking at her eyes, not her tits. It's just that her body looks so curvy and soft.

"You forgot something," I murmur, taking off my jacket. I can see the goosebumps on her arms.

She watches wide-eyed as I hold open the jacket behind her, so she can slip her arms into it. The woman eyes me suspiciously for a second. "You called me back here to put on your jacket?"

I sigh. "I called you back because my brother convinced me I'd be regretting letting you walk out that door for the rest of my life."

She looks directly up into my eyes, likely trying to determine if I'm telling the truth. I probably should have said something more sexy or even romantic, but it didn't occur to me in the moment.

"What's your name?" She asks, slipping her right arm through the sleeve of my leather jacket.

I grin down at her. "Kaison, but my friends call me Kai. You?"

She loops her other arm through the left sleeve before replying. "Emerald, but my friends call me Emma."

"I've never heard of Emerald as a name before," I tell her honestly.

"That's because it sounds like the name of a hooker," she says matter-of-factly.

I burst out laughing, which causes her cheeks to flush. "That's not true," I say.

"Laughter is a form of agreement you know," she replies, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

I think about what she's just said before responding. "I've never heard that before."

"It makes sense though, doesn't it?"

"I maintain that Emerald is a beautiful name."

"You're only saying that because you're trying to hit on me."

"Trying? Oof, that sounds like I'm not doing a very good job," I say to her.

"You should try harder," she quips.

I laugh, surprised by her response. She's witty, and her honesty is refreshing.

"Come back in for a drink. I owe you one," I say.

"I don't know. I think I should get going."

"Just one drink. Please," I say.

She looks into my eyes and sighs. I can almost see her debating her options back and forth in her head. Then she says, "Fine. One drink."

The Professor's Girl (18+)Where stories live. Discover now