Episode 26

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For our last day at the beach, I woke up and put on another bikini. Afterward, I knotted a sarong around my hips. I headed downstairs quietly, careful not to wake anyone up. Kai and Ellie have been sharing a room, Chester has had his own space, and I've also had my own room. It's been nice because I got the chance to talk to Devon's mom this morning in private. Still, I can't help but think about how nice it would've been to wake up in Kai's arms for the last time.

I expect to find the kitchen empty, but instead Kai is standing there shirtless in a pair of sweats. He has a glass of water in his hands, which he's gulping down.

"Hey, what are you doing awake?" I ask him.

"Couldn't sleep," he confesses. "You?"

"I usually get up early to talk to Devon's—my husband's—mom every Sunday. We catch up and talk about life. It really helped me process my grief in the beginning. We hold onto each other, and we've stayed close through thick and thin. She's a second mom to me."

Kai looks surprised, but he still smiles after processing what I've said. "I'm happy you have a good relationship with her. So today's chat was good? What did you talk about?"

"Just being stressed about my MCAT. I'm afraid I'll do terribly and will never get into medical school."

"That won't happen."

"You don't know that. Medical school is so competitive."

"True, but I know you. You're deserving, you care about people, and you want to help others. You'll persevere and make it, even if it doesn't happen the way you expect. Things like that have a way of working out."

"I hope so," I mumble.

"Come here," he says, opening his arms to me.

I walk into them immediately, letting him hold me. For some reason, the embrace sets something off in me and I begin crying.

"Hey-oh-Emma, what's wrong?"

"I'm stressed!"

"About you, about the MCAT, school—"

"One thing at a time gorgeous," he says. "What about me is stressing you out? Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" She exclaims. "You're perfect, and that's what I hate. I want to be with you, and I can't because of stupid medical school. But then I think about how I've wanted to be a physician for years—it's my dream—and I tell myself I can't let a man stop me, even if he is perfect for me in every way. I'm scared I'll fail the MCAT, and I'm scared I won't be able to balance my classes well."

"What if I waited for you?" He says.


"What if I waited for you until the end of the semester when class is over? I want to be with you just as much Emma. You have no idea—"

"Shhh, don't say things like that. Please don't, because I won't be able to handle it. You can't wait for me because I know you'll have feelings for me while teaching me in class, and I won't be able to think straight. And I don't want to make you wait to be with me. If you find the perfect girl within these next four months, you should be with her. I can't make you any promises, just like you shouldn't make me any. Besides, it doesn't make sense for us to be together. You just moved here! And I'm probably going to leave in six months for medical school! God knows where I'll be. You can't uproot your life—Ellie's life, even, for me. I won't let you."


My heart breaks listening to her. She's right. It would be wrong for me to teach her while harboring feelings for her. I wouldn't be able to treat her like any other student. It wouldn't be fair to everyone. I guess I really should start seeing other people. I didn't even think about the fact that Emma would be leaving at the end of this school year. What would I do then? It's not like I can just up and leave with Ellie, following Emma wherever she goes.

I hug Emma tighter, swallowing hard. "Let's just make the most of today, okay?"

"How?" She asks, sniffling.

I pull back so I can look her in the eyes. Her big brown orbs are still watering, so I cup her face and place a gentle kiss on her lips. It's very brief, but then she cups the back of my neck and guides me back so she can kiss me properly.

Our lips move in synch, and I slip my tongue into her mouth. I caress her tongue with mine, soothing her ache. Emma's hands trace up and down the planes of my bare chest, her fingers skimming my abs. I feel my cock harden, and her hand slips under the band of my sweatpants to grip me firmly. My breath shortens as she strokes me softly.

The feeling of her soft lips against mine, her floral scent, the way her hand is working my cock—it's too much. I feel myself about to come, so I stop her.

"Wait," I pant. "Not like this. I want to be inside you."

Emma's eyes darken, and she holds her hand out for me to take. I place my palm in hers, allowing her to guide me to her room. When we get upstairs, she shuts the door and locks it. Immediately, I pin her against it, kissing her softly.

She responds eagerly, moaning as I align our entrances. My hips begin grinding against hers, and she grinds back. I inhale sharply from the shock of her body sparking against mine. My hands shift to her sarong, untying the flimsy fabric.

Next, I drop to the floor, kissing my way up from her knees to her thighs. My hands undo the knots at either side of her bikini bottoms. They fall to the floor, and suddenly I'm face to face with her pussy. I can't resist nipping her thighs, teasing her until her legs are shaking from anticipation and need. Then I lick a stripe up her slit, kissing higher until I'm at her bellybutton. My tongue swipes there, causing her hips to buck.

I chuckle at her reaction, kissing higher. My mouth presses gentle kisses in between her breasts, and then I'm kissing up her chest and neck. Her breaths are coming out in quiet pants now, and when I whisper in her ear, she shivers.

"I'm going to fuck your pretty pussy right up against this door."

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