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Thanks for reaching the voting goal last week! I'm setting this week's goal to 7 votes :)


"Hi sweetheart, how was your birthday? I'm sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate. Did you get my card?"

I put my mom on speakerphone as I begin stirring the pot of ramen. "It was good. I went out to June's."

"Did they say anything when they found out it was your 21st?"

"No, I didn't tell them."

"So what did you end up doing? Anything exciting?"

I hesitate, debating if I should tell her about Kai. Mom and I have always been really open with each other, so there's no reason I should hide what happened between him and me. I just don't want to get her hopes up too much. She's always wanted me to move forward after Devon, and I've never really taken any steps to do so until last night.

In the end, I decide that I can't keep anything from her. "I met this guy."

"What?" She shrieks, and I can't help but smile at her excitement. "Tell me everything."

"His name is Kai."

"Did you meet at June's?"

"Yeah. He was there with his brother, who also seems really nice."

"And what did you do together?" She sounds like a kid hopped up on sugar.

"Well, I did go over to his place," I say.

"You went over to a stranger's apartment and didn't think to text me first?"

I wince. "Sorry mom."

"I'm just glad you're okay. So what happened between you and Kai?"

"I think you can figure it out," I tell her, not wanting to say that I slept with him outright.

"Was he a good lover? That's very important in a relationship."


"What? It's true," she says innocently.

"He and I aren't even in a relationship."

"He hasn't contacted you since then?"

"No." I try to hide the disappointment in my voice. Why do I feel hurt that Kai didn't text me? I don't want him to text me because I don't want to do Devon a disservice.

"Well, that's rude."

At that precise moment, my phone buzzes. When I check it, I see that I have a text from Kai. What are the odds? "Speak of the devil," I say, my heart rate picking up. I hate how excited I feel right now.

"He texted?" She squeals.

I laugh at her enthusiasm, reading the message in my head. "He wants to see if we can get coffee later today."

"What are you going to say?"

"What should I say? Yes?" I ask her.

"Well, do you want to see him again?"

I know the answer without hesitation. "Yeah."

"Then say yes! Don't make this any harder than it needs to be. When did you last hear from him?"

"I spent the night at his place on Friday, so I last saw him Saturday morning. He didn't text me all day, but I guess he's texting now."

"Kai probably didn't want to seem too eager. Men are stupid like that. If you have feelings for someone, you should say something. Life is too short," she says.


I pick a coffee shop on the edge of town, mostly because I've heard they have the best black coffee in Valley Springs. I've always been the sort of person that arrives late to events, but I don't want to be late today to see Emma. For once in my life, I leave my apartment on time.

In fact, I'm actually early. We decided to meet at 11am for Sunday brunch, but I arrive a few minutes beforehand. To my surprise, Emma is also pulling into the parking lot at the same time. I wait for her to get out of the car, and she soon notices me standing outside the cafe entrance. My heart skips when she waves to me, and I swallow hard. I cannot be catching feelings for this woman so quickly. I hardly know her.

She's wearing a short trench-coat and a pair of sexy, high-heeled boots that stretch above her knees. "Hey," Emma greets, pulling me in for a hug. I allow myself to be swept away by her floral perfume, discreetly smelling her luscious hair.

"Hey yourself," I reply, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Are you hungry?" I ask, pulling back to look into her eyes.

"For food?" Her tone is playful, and there is a teasing glint in her eye.

I pick up on her insinuation immediately and can't help but smile. "Well, we could skip brunch and go straight to my place."

That makes her laugh. "I am actually hungry, thank you very much."

"Well then, let's get you something to eat."

I hold open the door for her, and Emma flashes me a grin. "Ever the gentleman," she comments.

We choose a table by the windows. I watch Emma remove her jacket, and I have to keep my jaw from dropping. She's wearing a strapless, lace top that looks more like a bustier corset than a shirt. The black lace of the top matches her high waisted miniskirt. I force my eyes to look up from her ample breasts, which are pushed up to the max. Blood floods to my dick, and I discreetly rearrange myself. Fuck me. She doesn't even realize the effect she has on me.

Soon a waiter arrives, and he takes our orders. It doesn't take long for Em to decide what she wants to eat: a pesto chicken panini sandwich. She orders a lemonade with the meal, and then it's my turn to order. I ask for black coffee and a chocolate chip muffin.

"You take your coffee black?" She asks me, looking intrigued.

"Yeah, my hot take is that coffee is best black with no sugar or milk."

"That's so weird. I like my coffee the same way. I've never met someone that takes their coffee the same as me."

"You can have some of mine," I offer, surprised by her comment. "I haven't met anyone with the same coffee order before either."

"Their black coffee is amazing here," she says.

"So I've heard. Where else do you like to get your coffee from?"

Emma starts telling me all about her favorite coffee shops in town, starting with the worst and saving the best for last. At some point, the food arrives mid-conversation. I offer her my coffee right away, but she tells me that I need to drink it first.

I take a sip, surprised by the richness. "This is amazing," I say.

"It's imported from Oaxaca, Mexico. The family that owns this cafe is from there."

I pass her the mug, watching as her full lips drink from the cup. "Mmm," she hums, and my mind goes somewhere it shouldn't while we're in a family friendly cafe.

She hands me the drink back, and we begin chatting about the family that owns the café. Apparently, Emma was tutored in Spanish by their oldest daughter. She seems to know a lot about Oaxaca, which impresses me. I'm not very well traveled, but I would like to be. It seems like Emma is very worldly. She's at least taken the time to get to know others from different countries.

I realize we've been in the cafe for hours when the lunch rush begins. Swarms of people begin to fill the café, and a line stretches out the door. Somehow, I'm not yet tired of talking to Emma.

"Would you be interested in going to a movie? I've heard there's a drive-in theater nearby." I ask her.

"I would love to."

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