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I want to look cute for my first day of school, so I grab a new outfit that I haven't worn yet. I bought it with the money dad sent me for my birthday, and I've been saving it for a special occasion ever since.

The top I choose to wear is an oversized, white button down. I button the shirt so that it creates a low V, and then I tuck it into my skirt. My skirt is yet another mini skirt because those are my favorite. It's made of a ribbed, high waisted material and features a slit up the side. I add a gold chain for a necklace and small gold hoops as accessories.

After slipping on some strappy heels, I grab my backpack and head out the door. Instead of going straight to school, I make a pit stop at the grocery store. I'm planning on making chipotle chicken pasta tonight, and I have almost all the ingredients. I just need a few more basic things like Parmesan cheese and green onion to finish off the dish.

I'm standing in the cheese aisle debating what else I need to buy when I see Chester.

He recognizes me immediately, and I see a smirk playing at the edges of his lips. The look on his face makes me blush; he's probably thinking about how loud I was in bed Friday night. I can't believe I forgot about him living at home with Kai. "Hey Emma!" He greets me cheerfully.

"Hey Chester! How are you?"

"Doing well," he begins. "Just doing our groceries for the week. You?"

"I'm getting groceries for dinner," I tell him.

"You should come over to our place tonight! I'm making lasagna," he says.

I'm surprised Chester's inviting me over. I thought he would be more annoyed with me, especially after I prevented him from sleeping properly all of Friday night.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah! I want to get to know the woman my brother is so smitten with," Chester says. "It'll be the perfect time for us to get to know each other."

"You don't think Kai would mind?" I ask him. My stomach is fluttering from Chester's comment—Kai is smitten with me? I wouldn't have been able to tell. He hasn't checked in on me since our date or even texted to say he enjoyed himself. Devon always did little things like that to reassure me. I know it's probably a bad idea to compare the two, but I can't help it.

Lately, I've been thinking that I was just a sex-fling for Kai—we've slept together both times we've seen each other. It's really unlike me, seeing as how Devon was the only guy I had sex with before this past Friday. Prior to seeing Chester today, I was assuming that Kai probably got what he wanted from me. Could it be possible that Kai genuinely likes me?

"Not at all! I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see you again. I kept hearing all these amazing things about you after your date with him yesterday."

I bite back a smile. Kai's been saying amazing things about me? Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to go have dinner with Kai's brother. I agree to come over to their apartment tonight, exchanging numbers with Chester. "I can help you make the lasagna," I tell him. "Just tell me when to come over."

"How does six sound?" He asks me.

"Six is perfect," I tell him. I bid Chester goodbye, and then head to the fresh produce aisle. After grabbing the rest of my groceries, I head to school.

The drive to my university only takes fifteen minutes, and soon I'm sitting in my Interpretations of Literature class. This class is really small—only twenty people are in it, so we're going to get to know each other really well. Of course, I'm super nervous because English has never been my forte.

What's worse is that we got news that our Lit professor had to drop the class due to an unforeseen emergency, so we're getting a new professor that no one has any information about. I don't even know his or her name, so I can't even look them up on ratemyprofessor online. For all I know, the professor could be terrible and make my life a living hell this semester.

I pull out my notebook like the studious pupil I am, and then I wait for the professor to show up. Slowly, the room starts to trickle in with students. Our class is supposed to start at 8, but at this point it's 8:10am and the professor still isn't here.

"I'm waiting five more minutes and then I'm going," one freshman says flatly. "That's the fifteen minute rule, isn't it?"

"Yeah," another freshman says. "I'll leave too."

I say nothing, watching as some of the freshman get to talking. A few of them are really chatty and seem like they know each other, which is weird because it's the first semester of college for them. Maybe they know each other from high school? Other students sit quietly on their phones, which is more my speed. I debate texting Kai.

Is he going to be home for dinner tonight? What's he going to think when I show up? Should I text him and give him a heads up? He hasn't texted me at all—would it be weird if I texted him first? Maybe I should text Chester and make sure Kai won't be there. Just so things aren't awkward.

I sigh, opening my notebook to doodle. I need to stop focusing on Kai and start focusing on school. The last thing I need is for a boy to start preoccupying my mind.

I don't have any of the books for this class yet because I had no time to come to the university bookstore this weekend. I guess I could have come in on my birthday, but I didn't feel like coming here then. Of course, the store was also closed all weekend.

I'm still debating how much I'll have to spend on books when the professor walks in.


I walk into the classroom with my hands full. The twenty syllabi I printed off are held up to my chest, and then I have my mug of black coffee in my other hand. I'm so busy trying not to drop the syllabi that I don't notice any of the students at first.

"Good morning class," I start, setting the papers down.

I take a sip of my coffee and survey the room. I'm not really paying attention, just checking to see if all eyes are on me or if the students are still distracted. The last thing I expect is to see Emma sitting in my classroom. I choke on my coffee instantly the second our eyes meet. Her innocent doe-eyes widen, and several students look at me with alarm as I try to swallow the hot liquid.

My mind is slow to process what's happening. Emma is one of my students? I've slept with one of my students? Holy shit. This is not good. It's actually terrible. If anyone finds out, I'm fucked. But it's not my fault—I didn't know. I thought she was young for me, but not this young. She's a freshman in college? Holy fuck, she's barely legal. How was she drinking in a bar?

We need to put an end to our relationship, if we can even call it that after two days. I can't risk my job for her; we hardly know each other. I have Ellie to support and rent to pay. Hopefully, Emma doesn't say anything to anyone. She wouldn't, would she? What if she's the type to brag about banging the teacher? Surely she's more mature than that. Panic sets in, and I tell myself to calm down. My only option is to talk to her after class. We need to get our stories straight.

"Excuse me," I cough out, breaking eye contact with Emma.

I take a seat, swallowing hard. Everything's fine. I just need to relax.

"Welcome to Interpretations of Literature," I say. I begin passing out the syllabi, having each student pass the stack of papers all the way around the table. It takes everything in me to avoid looking at Emma. I can feel her eyes burning into me.

"I'm Professor Wren, and I will be leading this class this semester. If you turn to the second page of the syllabus, I'll be going over the course materials and grading system."

I focus on my spiel, doing my best to ignore Emma. Hopefully, class will go by fast, and I can sort out this mess with Emma soon after.

The Professor's Girl (18+)Where stories live. Discover now