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My mind is racing a million miles per minute. What is going on? Kai is the professor? How old is he? I'm so stupid. How did I manage to talk to him for two days without ever finding out what his job was?

This is so bad—I can't believe I've slept with my professor. All. Night. Long. And then in his car.

He isn't making eye contact with me at all. Clearly, he's just as uncomfortable as I am. What are we going to do about this? Did he even intend on ever seeing me again anyway? Kai didn't check in on me after our coffee-movie theater date, not even to see if I got home okay. Maybe he got what he wanted from me—sex—and now he's uncomfortable because he has to face the fact that he'll see me every week for the rest of the semester. Maybe Chester was wrong; it's possible that Kai was never actually smitten with me. It's shitty, but probably true. Not every guy is a saint the way that Devon was to me.

I bite my lip anxiously as I listen to Kai—shit, Professor Wren read the syllabus. I need to make sure I don't accidentally call him Kai in front of the other students, otherwise they'll get suspicious about the nature of our relationship. What an utter disaster.

"We are going to be covering The Great Gatsby first. Make sure you all have your books by the next class. I will expect you to read the first seventy pages by Wednesday."

I have to stop myself from groaning out loud. Seventy pages of reading? I already have biochemistry and anatomy to study. I don't have time for The Great Gatsby. If I could drop this class, I would. Unfortunately, I need the credits to graduate, and I can't take this class any other semester if I want to graduate on time and get all my pre-requisites in for my psychology major.

"We will have pop quizzes to hold you accountable for your readings, and there will be a total of three essays due this semester to count in place of written exams. Any questions?"

All of the freshman look overwhelmed, and some look downright miserable. This class is going to take way more time than it needs to in my opinion.

"I'm going to finish class early today. Before you leave, let me mark you all here for attendance."

He begins reading all of our names aloud, and I dig my nails into my palms as he hesitates. "Emerald Jewel," he reads out.

Some of the students in class give me the usual weird looks while others snicker to themselves. I refrain from rolling my eyes. "Here," I say. "But I go by Emma."

For a moment, the corner of his mouth twitches. I wonder if he's thinking about the hooker comment I made when we first met. I remember him laughing really hard at it. "Emma, will you stay after a class for a moment to talk with me?"

I'm surprised he's speaking to me. My nails dig into my apalms deeper, and I anxiously hope for Kai—er, Professor Wren to read off the rest of the names on the list. What is he going to say to me? Is Professor Wren going to be mad that I'm a university student? What if he tries to make me drop this class? Could he force me to quit? I need this class. He can't just make me--


Professor Wren interrupts my train of thought, and I realize that I was so worried I never answered his question. "Uh, yes. Of course. I'll stay after."

"I wouldn't mind staying after with him," the student next to me mutters suggestively. I hide my surprise. She's openly gawking at Professor Wren, not that he's noticed. He is extremely good looking, so that makes sense. I can't help but feel irritated by her interest in him, and I realize that I want him to be mine. Just mine. How am I going to keep from having these inappropriate feelings for him all semester?


As the students pile out, my stomach twists into a ball of nerves. I don't know why I feel nervous about being in a room alone with Emma. We've been alone together before, but these feels different. Wrong. Forbidden even.

Once all the students leave, Emma stands up and walks toward me. For the first time today, I allow myself to check her out. She looks gorgeous. The shirt she's wearing reminds me of when she woke up at my place this past Saturday and wore my shirt to breakfast. It's a white button down that reveals her ample cleavage. The shirt falls down one of her shoulders, exposing a baby pink bra strap.

Emma is also wearing a skirt today, and I'm beginning to wonder if she wears skirts all the time. If so, this semester is going to feel like hell. She looks so sexy in them, and it's inappropriate to be thinking about her like this. I can't help but trace the slit up the side of her skirt with my eyes, watching her tan leg stretch underneath. The skirt hugs her hips perfectly, emphasizing her small waist.

"Kai," she breathes.

The way my name falls from her lips sends goosebumps all over my body.

"You can't call me that anymore," I tell her sternly.

She looks surprised for a moment, although I'm not sure why. Doesn't she realize that we can't continue going out? What is going through her mind? Am I going to have to explain why it's a bad idea for us to be dating?

"Ok, um, Professor Wren."

Fuck me. That sounds sexier somehow. Blood rushes to my cock, and I have images of her on top of me in the car, kissing me hot and heavy. I cannot be thinking like this right now. And I can't just tell her to call me Kai now, otherwise she'll wonder what the hell is wrong with me.

"You're a freshman in college?" I ask the obvious question, still quite shocked.  "How old are you?"

"I'm 21. It was my birthday when we met. And I'm only in this class because I waited to take freshman lit. I've been putting it off since I'm not a big fan of English."

"Not a big fan of English?" It's the first thing that comes out of my mouth, although it's definitely not the most important thing in this situation.

She cracks a grin. "That's what you're worried about in this situation?"

I grin, even though I know I shouldn't. "My bad," I tell her.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were a professor here!"

"You didn't tell me you were a student," I remind her.

"I didn't think I had to—we're in a college town."

She has a point there. And I did know she was young. What exactly was I expecting?

"How old are you?" She asks me.

"I'm 29," I tell her, letting the eight year age gap set in. That's crazy. I'm thinking of when I first met Sadie. At the time, she was Emma's age, and she was so much more immature than Emma. She could never drink without getting drunk, could never laugh at her own expense, and was always complaining when things didn't go her way.

"Well, what are we going to do about this?" She asks, gesturing between us.

Shit. As much as I want to ask her out on another date, I can't. I have to think about Ellie. Sleeping with one of my students could jeopardize everything for me. I'm going to have to cut ties with Emma, and I hope she doesn't get too upset. We've only been on one real date though, so how mad could she be?

The Professor's Girl (18+)Where stories live. Discover now