Episode 29

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We talk about everything under the sun until our bodies begin to prune. I ask Kai about the first memory he ever has, and he tells me about going to school in kindergarten and playing with firetrucks in the classroom. He says if he wasn't a college professor, he would want to train to be a firefighter. I respond by telling him that he has the body for it, which of course makes him laugh.

Then Kai asks me how Devon and I met. I say that we met right at the start of seventh grade when the school hosted a pool party at the local country club. I wanted to dive into the pool, and I slipped climbing the ladder up to the top of the diving board. Devon caught me by holding onto my hips, and I had a massive crush on him ever since. We wound up being in the same friend group crushing on each other but never realizing it until he got the nerve to ask me out sophomore year of high school.

We work our way to more serious questions, like him asking me how Devon died. I'm not able to say much because a small lump forms in my throat. "It was brain cancer. An aggressive tumor they couldn't treat. Devon didn't want to stop living when he found out, so he insisted on proposing and marrying me. We were married before my first year of college, and I had the best time with him," I say, my voice quiet.

Kai squeezes my hand, and I turn my head back more so he can kiss me. Kai's hands release mine and skim the tops of my thighs, stroking up and down gently. I decide to turn around and sit in his lap completely, kissing him.

"I'm sorry if I upset you," he says.

"Don't be," I tell him. "I need to confront what happened."

My head falls into the crook of his neck, every inch of my body pressed against him. After a few moments of silence, I build the confidence to ask him a question I've been thinking about for a while. "Why did you and Sadie break up?"

I hear him sigh.

"You don't have to say if you don't want to," I say instantly.

"No, it's not that. I want to tell you. It just...hurts."

I wait, kissing his neck while he thinks about what to say. When he begins speaking, I pull back to look him in the eyes.

"Looking back on it, I will never understood how I fell in love with her. We took the same English classes in college, got paired up for a group project, and I developed a massive crush on her. I worked up the nerve to ask her out, she agreed, and we dated for three years. In that time, there were a lot of ups and downs, but she was worth it to me. We got married after college, and things were okay for a bit. That is, until I left town to go visit my parents. That weekend, there was a huge snowstorm that was supposed to come in. I decided not to stay the whole weekend like I planned. When I got home early, I found her cheating on me.

I gasp. "What?"

"I'm not done yet," he says. "She was cheating on me with George, who was my best friend from childhood. To have both of the people I was closest to in my life betray me like that...there are no words to describe how painful it was. I stopped trusting the people around me. Cut Sadie and George out of my life. Of course, I asked for a divorce. That's when we found out Sadie was pregnant. She tried to get me to stay, but I refused. Especially when George let it slip that they had been fooling around since we were all in college."

"Wait, what?"

"I was an idiot, blindly in love with the first woman I fell for. I should've known they were cheating, but I didn't see the signs. I don't know if I didn't want to see them or if I really am just that stupid but—"

"—you're not stupid. They're the ones that are stupid. I can't believe Sadie and George did that to you. What assholes," I scowl.

Kai grins when he hears me curse.


Emma sounds so cute when she's swearing. I press a kiss to her lips, tangling my fingers in the back of her hair to hold her close. She smells like lavender, which makes sense because it's the scent of the bath oil I used. When I pull back, she smiles at me, and my heart flips. What is this girl doing to me?

"Anyway," I say, trying to clear my mind. Kissing Emma makes me feel hazy and lost, like I lose all sense of direction but her. "She gave birth to Ellie. We did a paternity test, and she was mine. We've shared custody of Ellie ever since, but I moved out the second I learned George and her were cheating. Sadie hates me because she had to move back in with her mom, who she hates while she was pregnant. I can't believe she still expected me to stick around during her pregnancy after I found out she'd been cheating on me all along."

Emma hesitates for a moment, but then she asks a question. "Is this why Chester once mentioned to me that you both needed more friends? Because you stopped trusting everyone that cared about you?"

"Yeah. Because how could I trust anyone when my childhood best friend did that to me? When my wife did that to me? I'm still shocked by how well they hid it. To this day, I feel like an idiot for not picking up on it."

"You're not an idiot," she says immediately, cupping my face.

"I am," I insist, looking into her light brown eyes.

"No. You're not," she says, leaning in to kiss me. Emma's hands slide down to cup my neck, and she guides me closer as she begins to kiss me passionately. My hands slide up and down her back, eventually lowering to grab and squeeze her ass. She whimpers into my mouth, and the sound stirs something inside me. My cock is stiff in between us, and I know she can feel it.

"Sadie was such an idiot," she whispers in my ear, kissing the hollow underneath. "Let me make you feel better."

Her hands snakes in between us and begins stroking my cock. I groan as she licks the water from my neck, sucking the spot where she loves to mark me with a hickey.

"Drain the tub," I demand gruffly. "I'm going to fuck you right here."

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