Episode 28

514 18 1

Sorry for the lack of timely updates--I've been very ill and haven't been able to focus on uploading/writing. I'm posting a triple update rn as a small token of my appreciation for everyone who is still reading, voting, commenting, and supporting me. Thanks everyone :)


We shift to the bathroom attached to my room, running the water so that the shower is lukewarm. Kai pulls me in behind him, closing the door. He shields me from the spray of the water, allowing the spray to beat down his back. Kai faces me, tilting my head up toward him so he can kiss me.

His hand cups my neck, keeping me close with one hand while using the other to grip my bare hip. My hands tangle through his hair, and I kiss him back passionately. We take our time rinsing each other off. I rub a bar of soap up and down Kai's chest, using my hands to create suds on his abs. My hands wander to his arm, where I trace the tattoo of the planets on his bicep. He shivers under my touch.

"I want you," he groans, pulling me close.

"You can have me," I tell him. He kisses me again, taking his hands and rubbing them up and down my back. I allow him to rub soap over my breasts and belly. He's gentle with me, kissing me sensually while my body heats up under his touch.

Kai tells me to turn around so he can wash my hair. He massages my scalp with shampoo, taking the time to carefully rinse out the suds. I feel him kiss the top of my head. "You look so sexy," he tells me.

I smile, leaning back against him. Kai's arms wrap around my waist. He kisses the crook of my neck, squeezing me tight. "I wish we didn't have to go," he says.

"Me either," I tell him.

We get out of the shower twenty minutes later. I change into a two piece mini set. The top and mini skirt are both grey with gold foil flowers decorating them. Kai gives me a look like he wants to tear my clothes off me again, and I just shake my head laughing.

Kai heads to his room to check on Ellie while I head downstairs to eat breakfast with Chester. He's standing behind the stove flipping pancakes when I arrive. "Slept in today, huh?" He asks.

I blush. What do I say? Should I tell him that Kai and I have been together all morning? Or does he already know? Is this a test?

"Um," I begin. "Kai and I may or may not have been hanging out."

Chester rolls his eyes. "Why am I not surprised? Is that why all the strawberries are gone? Oh god, did he eat the strawberries off your body?"

I blush. "What? No!" Although now that I'm thinking about it, having Kai do that does sound like a lot of fun.

"Then where are the strawberries? And why did we run out of whipped cream? I don't believe you."

"Kai was eating them before I got down here! I swear!"

"Kai loves his strawberries," Chester says.

He stacks my plate with two large pancakes. I put chocolate chips over top along with maple syrup. When I start eating, Chester sits next to me with his plate and joins me.

"So what are you and Kai doing about how you feel now? Are you officially dating?" He asks me.

I sigh. "No. We decided it would both be best if we dated other people."

Chester let's out a loud laugh, and when he sees that I haven't joined in, he frowns. "You're joking, right?"


"Joking about what?" I cut in, carrying Ellie and walking into the kitchen.

Chester looks shocked. "You two dating. You're going to see other people? What's wrong with you?"

"We decided that's what is best," I tell him. Then I make eye contact with Emma. Her eyes are sad, but she smiles at me.

"In what world is that best?" Chester asks.

"Ches, you're forgetting that Emma is my student. We can't afford to get caught dating each other. I know I wouldn't be able to treat Emma like she was any other student to me. And it's not good for my career if anyone finds out."


"Ches, let it go. She and I have already talked about this. This weekend is our last time to be together before going back home."

Chester looks upset but says nothing. "All I'm going to say is that you two are absolute idiots. That's all. And if this is really the last time you'll ever be together, then you should spend this time with each other. Let me watch Ellie."

"What? No, Chester, I want to spend time with you," Emma says.

"We can spend time together later. Just spend time with my brother."

Emma glances at me, and I don't miss the way she nervously bites her lip. I want to be the one biting her lip. I set Ellie down, and Chester gives her a small bite of food.

"Go on you two, stop staring at each other. I've got this. Enjoy the beach together. I'll stay in and feed Ellie."

Emma looks like she's going to complain again but I cut in. "Thanks," I say.

Emma looks back at me before I reach my hand out toward her and she takes it. I interlace my fingers with hers before guiding her back up the stairs.

"What are we doing?" She asks.

"We're going to soak in the bath. It'll be nice and relaxing, since you've told me how stressed you are."

She blushes darkly but says nothing. I get to the bathroom before starting the faucet. When the tub is almost full, I pour some bath oils and crumble a bubble bar under the tap. Emma watches me silently, a smiling playing on her lips. I make sure we have a bar of soap and shampoo, and then I start to strip.

When I'm completely naked, I turn toward Emma. She makes eye contact with me, eyes wide. "Join me," I say.

I get into the tub, sitting down. Then I watch Emma peel off her clothes. Her body looks stunning in the light. I hold my hand out to her, and she steps in, careful not to splash. Then she nestles her back against my chest. Her head tilts back, and I rest my cheek against the side of her head while our finger lace together under water. In this moment, everything feels perfect.

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