A Rυɳαɯαყ Oɱιɳσυʂ Cαɾɾιαɠҽ

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Y/n's POV

"That DINO CO. Blue Slushie was really fucking sticky-"

I grumble to myself as I ran both hands under the faucet letting the water wash away the gunk and sticky feeling from my hands "But man, was it so sweet" I finished with a smile on my face and a quick wave of my hands to flick the droplets away. I felt my phone vibrate and quickly dried my hands off with a towel before reaching into my pocket.

Reading off the screen, I could see that it was (Best friend).

Bestie <3:
Hey! We're waiting for you at the Avengers Area, taking pics w/ my precious boi Loki, HURRY AND GET OVER HERE BEFORE I FAINT!! Xoxo~

Smiling at the message I send back the emoji of a thumbs up, and ready my phone for pictures, making my way over. Luckily the restroom I was in was in Hollywood Land, so I wouldn't have to walk too far.

"I can't believe I'm about to graduate High School for that matter.." I mumble to no one, I check my camera roll to see what I have so far.

So far I have pictures and goofy videos of mostly the mascots then the Actors. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle at how awkwardly I'm posed in almost each picture.

' You'd think the staff members could at least take ONE flattering picture of me.' My thoughts are ripped from me for a split second when I hear a loud scream near my right.

Looking towards the source as pedestrians run past me, coming from the direction of Buena Vista Street, a Black Carriage is barreling towards me! Two dark horses are pulling this Carriage, narrowly missing people and objects. "Oh shi-AH!"

A random person trying to flee pushes past me, falling on my knees, hearing my phone clatter away from me and feeling the solid stone walkway scrape against my palms, the pain didn't really matter since the carriage was only inches from colliding into me.

'Is this it..? Oh god, this is gonna fucking hurt- Mom, Dad, anyone! Please... Help me!!' Not wanting to face this head on, I close my eyes and awaited for impact. The sounds of screams and panic only seem to get louder.. Until they stopped all together, but I never felt the impact.

'. . . huh? Wasn't It about to hit me?' Opening one eye it was dark, soundless, but most of all warm. I didn't feel the cold night air of California anymore. 'So where am I?' A green glow slowly dims the once dark space, revealing where I am.

My eyes soon adjusted to the dim light, I am inside a very elegant and gothic style room with coffins floating above me and a giant mirror that is facing me similarly floating over an altar, a black plume of smoke emits from the altar surrounding the mirror I couldn't help but flinch at how unnaturally cold it got, a wisp of this smoke brushed past my face and I felt a bombardment of emotions:








Groaning at the splitting headache that was accumulating at the back of my skull, gripping the sides of my head hoping to at least massage the pain.


Gasping at the flash of green, the black smoke dissipates along with the headache. Looking inside the mirror green flames are flickering and fleeting, I feel the warmth of the room come back, I hadn't noticed that I've gotten closer to the mirror to warm myself again. A deep voice resonates through the mirror causing me to look into the Mirror's glass.

"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...

My proud, beautiful flower of Evil."

'That voice... I feel like I've heard it before..' As if it was second nature, my hand moves to glide against the gilded frame of the mirror, I stare deeper into the mirror.

"You truly are the fairest one of all.

O Magic Mirror, thy wisdom I entreat... Reveal unto me the visage I seek..."

'It's the Magic Mirror from Snow White! Am I still in Disneyland, but the Snow White dark ride isn't in California anymore-' The Magic Mirror's flames warp and swirl to show me a Black Carriage heading towards what looks like a Castle, the carriage passes underneath an iron gateway?

A Crest of a Raven shines under the moonlight, I can barely make out the words welded on the arch of the gateway. The image shifts again back to its default Green flames.

"You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...

If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

The flames part and a large pale hand appears, open as if waiting for a partner to grasp it.

'There's no way I'm grabbing anything, I could end up breaking something-' A sharp pang shoots through my head causing my knees to buckle forward. My fingertips brush against something soft and fleshy yet cold, opening my eyes looking down the hand seems to be holding mine tight but tenderly.

'As if this person is holding back their strength, almost knowingly...' The room goes pitch black and the hand disappears along with the lights. For reasons unknown, this made me ... Awfully sad and painfully lonely.


A ball of now red fire is lit in the center of the Mirror. The green lights around the room relit themselves and a new voice comes through.

"As flame reduces even the stars to ash."

A crystal of ice replaces the flame, the cracks of the ice are clearly heard. The room got cold once more, but this time it was welcomed.

"As Ice seals away time itself."

The ice fades and a whirlwind of leaves burst forth from inside the mirror, the scent of fresh grass and a soft breeze brush past my face.

"As great trees swallow even the sky."

The image again shifts to a void of darkness, but the scent of fire and fresh grass still linger. The chill is still present but its weak, but strong enough for my hands to wrap themselves around my... layered body? Looking down at myself my casual clothes are replaced with soft and very expensive feeling robes?!

'How- WHO undressed and redressed me!??' This has gone from intriguing to down right creepy! Whatever prank this is- has gone on long enough!

"Fear not the power of darkness. Now- Demonstrate your power."

A bright light illuminates and grows brighter by the second, it temporarily blinds me causing me to shrink away from the offending light.

"To me. To them. To yourself.

The hour grows long, and time is scarce."

My hand is grabbed by a familiar touch, its soft and yet still cold like a reptile, blankets over my hand. But I couldn't help but squeeze it anxiously, it surprised me when I felt it grip back reassuringly, its- no His thumb strokes the back of my hand soothingly.

"Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come..."

I feel the hand soon pull me forward gently, but instead of a cold hard surface I am met with what feels like entering a pool that strangely doesn't soak my clothes. A wave of fatigue and drowsiness invades my very body and I am very drained. The adrenaline has finally left my body..

'I feel ... Very tired...' I couldn't help but answer the call of sleep.

ᗯEᒪᑕOᗰE TO TᕼE ᐯIᒪᒪᗩIᑎ'ᔕ ᗯOᖇᒪᗪ

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