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Narrator's POV

Grim rubbed his paws together in greed and excitement. "MYAHA! So you're sayin' that once I'm a great mage, gettin' rich will be a total cinch?!"

Grim whips his head around, his eyes guided him to Jafar's statue, with an excited ear twitch he points at it. Nudging Ace to continue on with his lesson.

"Oh, oh! Do the dude with the big hat next!"

The cat buzzing with excitement with yet another story about a successfully powerful mage. Your eyes move over the giant statue. Jafar's stands before you three, his face devoid of any emotion.

Ace points at the Statue and informs you and Grim the identity of this "dude with the big hat".

"That's the Sorcerer of the Sands. He was an adviser to a total dolt of a Sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort."

'Apparently not smart enough to read up on the Genie's curse of eternal servitude.'

Ace looks at Grim with an obnoxious grin, he nudges the feline.

"He exposed a swindler once- some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess!"

You glare hard at the Cobra-shaped Staff that he wields.

' That damn staff! Jafar would constantly use it against Jasmine's father to get certain things without raising suspicion... E-easily hypnotizing the Sultan.. With just a few words...'

The longer you stared, the more you felt your focus melt away, you saw the Eyes of the Cobra staff glow red with a hint of orange whirling inside.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I don't know where she gets it from."

The Sultan walks up to his miniature model of his Kingdom of Agrabah. Visibly stressed out, from Jasmine constantly rejecting every suitor in neighboring Kingdoms.

With a heavy sigh, he leans his elbows on the table, halfheartedly fiddling with the Model.

"Her mother wasn't nearly so picky."

Distracted by his miniatures, the Sultan is shrouded by a looming shadow entering his Private Quarters. Frightened, the Sultan gasps and looks towards the entrance, only to relax when it was his most trusted and loyal Royal Vizier:

"Oh! Ah, Jafar! My most trusted Advisor. I am in desperate need of your wisdom."

Jafar bows before the Sultan, a most understanding look appears on his face. But the sentiment is not apparent in his dark eyes.

"My life is but to serve you, My Lord."

The Sultan is quick to complain about his daughter's constant rejections to every eligible suitor.

"It's this suitor business. Jasmine refuses to choose a husband. I'm at my wit's end!"


Iago the parrot cuts into the complaint. Repeating the end of the Sultan's sentence, obnoxiously.

The Sultan's eyes widen in recognition and giggles joyously as he reaches into his pocket for a cracker.

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