"Mαԃ αʂ Hσɾɳҽƚʂ!"

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- Grumpy,
From Disney's
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, 1937.

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"Begone! Begone!! BEGOOONE!!!" The monster roars, it's voice reverberating off the walls.

The monster's arm swung towards Deuce. Swatting the student away, his body sails over head, smacking into the wall behind us. "Bwaah!" Deuce cries out in pain, his body slid and crumpled against the wall.

"DEUCE!" I rush over towards his body, leaning him upright, turning his head towards mine. I observe him for any extreme injuries or any bruising on him. Deuce flushes at our proximity, quickly he waves me away.

"I-I'm alright Y/n! It just got one over on me, that's all!" Deuce sputters, his face gaining a soft tint of pink. I squeezed the handle of my pickaxe, scowling at the reckless boy in front of me. "You really have only one braincell in that head of yours, don't you?" I snipped at him.

Ace grumbles to himself and brandishes his own magical pen.

"Aw, crap! He's got Loosey-Deucey on the ropes! Not on my watch! Heeyah!" Ace waves his magical pen, sending a strong burst of wind towards the creature.

The creature slams the pick of his pickaxe into the ground and holds tight as the wind barely blows the beast back, but the spell was effective in making it even angrier.


With another backhanded swipe, the beast knocks Ace back launching him back a good couple of feet back into the wall beside us. "OOF!" Ace yelps. "Oh shit- not Ace too!" I grit my teeth so hard, my gums began to twinge in pain. The monster slow turns it's attention towards Grim, who flinches at the sight of the great beast.

"MYAAAAAH!! STAY AWAY FROM MEEE!!" He howls, holding his paws up in terror, an azure steam of flame spews from his lips, placing distance from him and the monster.

"Grrrrraaawwrrr..." The monster bathes in the heat of the flames, unbothered by the heat. A sickening dripping noise was coming from the monster, as if we were melting a candle.

"It's like nothin's even hurtin' it!" Grim exclaims.

"Well there's gotta be another way to hurt it, I mean, it's head is literally made of glass-"


A flickering beam of light captures my attention and stops me from talking, it seems to be shining just behind the monster's hulking form. 'Huh?!'

Calling out to Grim, I point over towards it's direction. "Did you see that sparkle just now?!" Hopefully my eyes weren't deceiving me, but I think I spotted a magestone!

"Behind the monster! She's right, there's something sparkling in the mineshaft!" Ace piped up.

"Could that have been a magestone?!" Deuce uttered quaveringly.

The boys stretched and shifted their bodies, trying to see the glimmering light behind the monster. The monster felt our wandering gazes, triggered at how we've discovered it's treasure, it shakes furiously. The ink in it's bottle, bubbles erratically as it roars at us aggressively.

"Nooo giiive yooooou stooooooone!" It swings it's pickaxe down towards Grim, who narrowly misses getting punctured by the pick.

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