Wԋσσρʂ, Cɾαʂԋҽԃ Sƚυԃҽɳƚ Oɾιҽɳƚαƚισɳ. Mყ Bαԃ.

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Narrator's Pov

In the crowded Mirror Chamber, the Student Orientation has just been finished. The excitable chatter of the male students fill the walls.

"We're done with Orientation and dorm assignments?"

Receiving no answer to his rhetorical question, the short red-headed boy moves to stand in front of a sea of students that have been assigned to his Dormitory, due to his stature, he gained their attention by clapping twice. Heads and bodies turn forward to face him, the boy lowers his hands to his sides. "All right, new students-" his gaze hardens as he places his left hand on his hip. "Let me be clear. At Heartslabyul House, I am the law. Break the rules and its off with your head!" He emphasizes the last bit with a swipe of his right arm. Some students sweat at the motion.

Another boy, in the process of waking up, stands up while scratching and stretching the nape of his neck lazily, he yawns at how long the ceremony took, flashing his fangs. His lion ears twitch lightly at his annoyance under his hood, he'd rather be done with this assembly and go lie down in his room.

"Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm." He turns his back on his students and calls out to them as he walks away. "If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me." The students of Savanaclaw start to rouse amongst themselves, talking and getting to know their new bros- AHEM dorm mates.

A boy with glasses was next to retrieve his new workers- students, new students, yes. With an air of arrogance he speaks with an overly honeyed voice, perfect for his line of work. "New students! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience."

Behind the boy with glasses, an unbelievably beautiful boy happens to take notice of a certain Headmage's disappearance.

"Hey, does anyone know where the Headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony..."

A floating tablet answers him with a sarcastic tone. "Some Headmage he is." A voice chimes in from the boy with bright red eyes. "Maybe he had a tummyache?"

The doors to the Chamber burst forth and the aforementioned Headmage appears. "I most certainly did not!" He denies and strolls in, many students not noticing that he was being followed by another or that he was holding a small monster.

"Ah, speak of the devil." The Heartslabyul Dorm leader spoke. Crowley brings the student following him to at least walk next to him to show everyone the reason for his sudden leave. "If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for orientation." The student had "his" hood up, but the sudden thrust into the spotlight made "him" fidget anxiously, "his" hand grasped the hood and pulled it further to shield "his" face.

'How rude, he should stop squirming like a caterpillar and at least straighten up! If he's sorted into Heartslabyul, I'll teach him proper posture.'

'Ugh, another runt. I think he's even shorter than Riddle, if he's in Savanaclaw he would be as defenseless as a meerkat surrounded by hyenas.'

'Oho? What a poor unfortunate soul, lost during orientation and dorm assigning? Tardiness will not stand in Octavinelle, time is money after all. He will learn how to correctly manage time quickly under my dormitory.'

'I really hope this guy's in my dorm! I hope Jamil and the others have the party ready and waiting for us! I wonder if this student can dance, if he can't I wouldn't mind teaching him and I know Jamil wouldn't mind either. I hope you get into Scarabia dude!'

'What an ugly display of confidence, bad posture, the resistance to show one's face. If this boy gets assigned to Pomefiore I will personally see to it that he gets no mercy from me. You will not stain my dorm with your negativity!'

'Hmm.. So he hates being in crowded rooms too. Sucks to be you noob, at least I'm here in my room. I could never show my face IRL.. YKW, if he's here in Ignihyde he'd be fine. Just as long as he doesn't talk to me f2f.'

Crowley gently nudges the "boy" towards the mirror. "You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, remove your hood, and be quick about it. I'll watch your cat." The cat growls and struggles against Crowley's grip.

Standing in front of the Dark Mirror, the "boy" removes "his" hood. The students murmur, some out of pity and jealousy for "his" effeminate features, they all knew this "boy" was destined for Pomefiore even their Dorm leader had a slight moment of victory at this "boy's" soft face but he quickly changed to upset at how the "boy" hid it in shame.

The Dark Mirror's face appeared before "him". "State your name." It ordered, the "boy" froze as if "he'd" forgotten. Blinking, "he" softly answered the Dark Mirror "I'm Y/n." The name even sounded feminine and it didn't help "him" when "his" voice sounded as quiet a mouse.

"Y/n..." The Dark Mirror parrots back feeling out each syllable. "The nature of your soul is..." The whole room seems to have taken a breath of anticipation, what dormitory is to be of "his" fate? "..Unclear to me..."

Crowley's head tilts to the side in sudden confusion. "What did you just say?" "I sense no magical power from this young lady.




Utterly vacant.

Yet...interestingly she has potential, just not of magical propriety. Therefore no dorm would be appropriate."

The crowd is shocked at the Dark Mirror's verdict, they begin to whisper amongst themselves.

"No dorm is right for "him"?"

"Did the Dark Mirror mistake "him" for a girl? That's harsh!"

"No you dumbass, the Dark Mirror doesn't just misgender anyone, "he" is a girl!"

"Magicless, dormless and the only girl? That's a tough deck she's been dealt with!"

"I still can't believe it. I thought she was just some pretty boy.."

Crowley's voice cuts through the chatter and silences the unnecessary side conversations.

"Are you suggesting that the Black Carriage went to retrieve a girl who cannot even use magic?" Flabbergasted he stands next to the girl and yells at the Dark Mirror. "But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in the century of existence! How could this have happened?" He ponders to himself, the monster breaks free from the bindings around it's muzzle.

Taking a big breath of air, it speaks. "ME! Let me have her seat!" Crowley's annoyance flairs up as he wrestles to get a sturdy hold on the flailing cat beast. "Not so fast, you hyperactive cat!"

"Unlike her, that human. I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here!" The cat beast manages to get out of Crowley's grip landing on all fours. With a smirk he stands upright and points a paw at the Headmage.

"Look, I'll show you! My spells're the cat's meow!" Turning towards the crowd of students the beast takes a giant breath of air, the Heartslabyul dorm leader felt the accumulating magic in the air and acted quickly. "Everyone, get down!" "MYAAAAAAAHH!!"

The Mirror Chamber is soon decorated with bright blue flames.

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