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-The Emperor,
Disney's "Mulan",

Y/n's POV

I watch in horror as Grim basically became a living, breathing flamethrower. Seeing him trying to finesse in front of everyone would have been admirable if he wasn't causing chaos! I duck under an incoming stream of blue fire, the boy behind me wasn't so lucky.

"AAHHHHHHH! HELP! I'M ON FIRE OVER HERE!" he starts spinning in a circle trying to pat it out. 'Is he serious?!' I rush to him, scaring him in the process. "AHH, W-WAIT WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!" I tackle him down and roll around with him on the ground. Lifting myself up and above him, seeing that his hood has fallen off showing his face, his red eyes widen at me in shock as he pants lightly, his headwrap is slightly crooked, white hair messed up and sticking out wildly from the rough landing we took.

Panting with him, I see that the fire was put out. Looking back into his eyes, slightly flushing at our closeness, I quickly help him sit up I reach up fixing his headwrap "Sorry, y'know for the rough tackle-" I move my hands to dust off the ash on his robes. "But why didn't you roll around on the floor to put it out?!" He seemed to snap out of it, smiling wide he grabbed my shoulders and hugged me. "Thanks for the quick save! My butt would have totally been roasted if you hadn't helped!" Pulling away from the hug I smile awkwardly at him. 'Of course this guy's a hugger. If he can't remember the simple rule of what to do if on fire, I worry for him.'

Feeling the creeping heat behind me I grab onto him again and send us back on the floor. "Sorry again!" I say as a fireball sails overhead followed by the screams of students in fear, rolling off of him I grab his hand and pull him to his feet, looking at him I lightly shove him "Quick! Get out of here!" He looks back at me then nods "Thanks again!" taking off into the crowd.

"Someone catch that blasted animals before it sets the entire school ablaze!" Crowley shouts as he dodges a stray fireball. 'Don't you have that magic whip?! Use that to restrain Grim.'

I glared at the supposed Headmage. "Ugh. Can I go now, or..?" Someone complains, I choked at how unaffected he sounded at the chaos going on around us. "Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel." Somebody says patronizing the first person the first person retaliates and shoots him down. "Too much effort. Do it yourself."

'Seriously??! Un-fucking-believable' I groan in frustration and disbelief at how unbothered they are. Looking for Crowley I spot him dodging any fireballs that are flying near him, the Whip is holstered on his belt, if I'm gonna use that Whip I'm going to have to do it when Grim's distracted.

A boy with glasses stepped up to the challenge of capturing Grim. "Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley. If none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility." A tablet floating next to him lights up "WTG Azul. Rackin' up those participation credits." the tablet mocks.

"I'm sorry, were my instructions unclear?!!" Crowley yells exaggerated. The lazy one sighs and crosses his arms "Preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy cat all on your lonesome there Headmage."

I hear Grim growl in irritation and turn towards us a vein popping on the side of his furry temple. "How many times do I gotta say it?! I'm GRIM, spellcaster extraordinaire! I am NOT a CAT!"

The glasses boy "Azul" reaches into his pocket and pulls out what looks like a pen with a light grey gem glued on it? Was he gonna write Grim up?? "Aren't you a spunky little fellow? Riddle, would you be so kind...?" He asks the boy next to him, "Riddle" simply 'hmphs', also taking out a pen but his had a red gem glued on it. "Furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand."

Grim ignores him and continues to blast random fireballs and run around the Chamber. Azul and Riddle follow after him shooting at Grim with Magic, seeing this as an opportunity I swipe the whip from Crowley, running in the opposite direction directly into the fire hoping to cut Grim off. With Crowley yelling at me to come back.

Feeling the fire barely graze me, I hold the handle and leather lash tightly in my hand. Hearing Riddle and Azul argue on who should be the one to capture Grim made me question their sanity.

I'm hurrying towards the other side of the room and notice Grim is distracted arguing with them, I stop running and unlatch my fingers from the whip raising my hand 'Have it at 12'o clock. Then loop it midair..and let it fly!!' doing just that I bring the handle down sharply watching the whip fly towards Grim and it wraps around and tightens successfully capturing him. "FGNYA?! H-How?!" He follows where the whip is connected and was shocked to see, not Crowley but me, holding him captive.

"YOU." He snarls, Riddle and Azul soon join us the two shocked that I have him tied up. Azul chuckles breathlessly trying to compose himself, as if he wasn't just chasing someone around a giant chamber, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Poor soul. Got yourself ensnared in the Headmage's 'Tough Love' by your Mistress, did you?" Riddle steps forward, still holding his pen in front of him.

"I suggest you surrender. Otherwise..." He leaves off his sentence, silently warning him to stand down. He wriggles around trying to get free "NO! I'm gettin' into this school. And that's FINAL!" Grim proceeds to inhale as much air as he could, Riddle glares and holds his free arm out shielding Azul behind him. "Stand aside Azul!" His blueish-grey eyes stare into my (e/c) ones "And you, hold him steady!" he swishes his pen in the air and flicks his wrist.

"[Off with your Head]!"

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