Wσɾƙιɳ' Nιɳҽ-Tσ-Fιʋҽ!

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Narrator's POV

Three ghosts faze through the door of the master bedroom. They see that Y/n and Grim are still asleep, floating towards the heavily sleeping duo, Jasper lightly shakes the girl's shoulder. He was surprised at how she was murmuring in her sleep, pleading for a longer nap time, they giggle under their breath.

"Aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?" Grim turned away, snuggling deeper in the blankets. "...Five more minutes, Ma..." Pino laughs and crosses his arms, he attempts to rouse the two with a bit of ghost humor. "Go ahead. Sleep the day away you two. And you might not eever hafta wake up again." Horace joins in on the fun. "Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Grim's blinks his eyes, he flinches when he finally comprehends what's happening. "Ah! You three! The School! THE JOB!! Hey Y/n, up and at'em!!" He places both paws on Y/n's face and shakes her face wildly.

She finally wakes up and sits up on the bed, her hair in a glorious birds nest but her mood was surprisingly not soured at the rushed awakening. "Mmh? Grim?? Ghosts?? YAWN What time is it?"

Jasper points up at the crooked cuckoo clock, the clock read: Six forty-five, leaving her an hour and twenty-five minutes to get ready till Crowely arrives to Ramshackle. She throws off the covers and races towards her Dalmatian case, prying it open she grabs the first dress on the pile and rushes into the bathroom to freshen up.

Horace floats up to Grim and motions for the cat to pay attention. "Hmm? What's up?"

"Make sure to let Y/n know that we gathered a bunch of eggs, vegetables and Jasper's made fresh bread so you can have toast! Pino's found fruit preserves so you can also have that with the bread. We'll see youse two in the kitchen downstairs. Bye!" The three ghosts vanish from the master bedroom just in time for Y/n to exit the bathroom.

The girl was wearing a brown u-strap calf length dress with pale teal long sleeves, black flats on her feet and a white slip underneath her dress so her panties are protected from any unwanted eyes. A white apron and matching white bandana is folded over her forearm, her hair is neatly brushed and done up in a (hairstyle)/left down. Grim relays Horace's message to her, she nods and scoops Grim up in her arms, making her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Jasper places the logs of wood under the stove while Pino lights them on fire with magic. Horace sets five mason jars on the table, each a different color inside. Horace is the first to greet her with a wave. "Good morning sleepy owl! You look like you're ready to seize the day. I'm sure Grim's told you about the food?" You nod and smile at the warm greetings Horace and the rest of the group gave you.

"Good Morning you three, sorry if I took long to wake up, but thanks for waking me up guys!" You set the bandana on the table and fan out the apron, circling the cloth around your waist, cinching and tying the apron around your waist. "The stove should be ready now missy! Give it a whirl."

Jasper and Pino stand at attention, in mock salute. Making Y/n giggle at their cuteness, she moves to stand in front of the iron stove, unlatching the frying pan from a hook.

Seeing that it was clean she places it on the stove top letting it heat up. In a brown clay bowl, a dozen eggs stare back at her. Grabbing two from the bowl, she cracks them and begins making scrambled eggs.

"Jasper, do you know if we have cheese?" "Sorry Y/n, if we did. It would have seriously been spoiled." The girl sighs and nods "That's true, thanks Jasper! Just wanted to check. Pino, keep an eye on these eggs for me please." "You got it toots!"

You leave the scrambled eggs to Pino and begin to wash and cut the spinach and tomatoes. Throwing them with the eggs, you thank Pino and finish them up.

Hearing a key enter and unlock the front door, a familiar voice calls out, addressing you.

"Good morning Y/n, did you sleep well?" Crowely steps into the Ramshackle Lounge room, but he does not see you anywhere. "Miss Y/n?? Hello? Heeelloo??" Hearing him inside the house, you tell him you're in the kitchen.

The tall birdman walks through the doorway and is shocked at the sight in front of him. The three ghosts he met yesterday are sitting at the table with Grim, chatting away like old dorm mates. The girl he's looking for walks by him with two hot plates of veggies with scrambled eggs, placing one plate in front of Grim and the other one for her.

As the two eat breakfast, Crowley felt a warm sense of homely-ness surrounding them. Feeling his nerves unwind he moves to a vacant chair next to the skinny ghost and the non-magical girl. Gesturing to the chair he asks for permission to sit, once getting the "Okay". He takes a seat and proceeds to repeat what he said when he first entered the building.

"Good morning Y/n, did you sleep well?" Grim stops eating his toast with peach preserves, to rudely complain. "Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm?" Y/n reprimands Grim. "Hush, Grim! We did not, we actually slept pretty soundly last night."

Crowley seemed pleased to hear that you weren't too upset to sleep. "I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world!" But the happy tone drops from his voice and the business tone begins. "Now, speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignments for today."

The two janitors have long finished their meal and are listening to the Headmage intently.

"Your job today is to clean the campus. That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite the Herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library. Now Y/n.."

He shifts his weight to lean forward on the table, with his chin resting over his hands. "I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another accident like yesterday..." The girl stares at the Headmage with a conflicted look but eventually nods. "I can't promise much, but I'll make sure that I can see him while we are out."

Crowley authoritatively nods at the answer he was given and begins getting ready to leave. "Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly await the fruits of your labor." As soon as he left Ramshackle, Grim crosses his arms and turns his head in defiance.

"I ain't cleanin' nothin'! I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOOM!"

Keeping the act of authority,
Y/n holds up her index finger, reminding Grim. "After we clean, we can study in the library. Perhaps even take some books home so you can practice outside." 'And not destroy the sacred land of knowledge in case you fuck up a spell or two.' Y/n added mentally.

Grim puffs his cheeks and pouts.
After saying her goodbyes to her Ghostmates,
Y/n collects her cleaning supplies and walks out the door, shutting and locking it behind her. The two begin their morning walk to the school, idly chatting about what Grim wanted to learn first.

"Definitely different types of fire spells, maybe do cool tricks like creating shapes of different animals with my flames!"

Imagining how that would look was pretty silly in your opinion, but it could be possible for Grim to do. You make a mental note to check for a beginners guide for those types of illusions. You quickly tie the bandana around your head to protect you against the sun, spotting the Protection charm on your left wrist.

'Let's hope today goes smoothly, maybe with some luck, the day'll go by quick!' You silently prayed to yourself, to whomever might be listening to you in this New World.

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I had to change the time because of a little mistake I made that a fellow reader called to my attention. Please forgive me, for like the White Rabbit and all the Citizens of Wonderland, Time is not really my strong suit.🐰🕓 Thank you for pointing out my mistake, I was able to find an hour calculator that helped fixed the problem! ^-^

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