Tɯσ Hαʅʋҽʂ Mαƙҽ A Wԋσʅҽ.

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・゚: *✧・゚:Mιɾɾσɾ CԋαɱႦҽɾ:・゚✧*:・゚

Narrator's POV

As you four emerge from the other side of the mirror, Headmage Crowley stands frozen in his tracks from your group's sudden arrival. As if he was not expecting you four in the first place, ignoring his mystified stare and your swirling feeling of nausea.

You step forward and take the newly acquired magestone from out of your pocket. Presenting it with a look of pride and an aura of smugness, you and the boys no doubt relishing at the sight of Crowley's jaw dropping at the sight of the crystal in your hands.

The Headmage in his moment of shock, moves the papers that were occupying his hands to pin them between his right elbow and side as he hurries towards us, his glowing pupils seemingly glittered and shone not once taking his eyes off the magestone.

Carefully, he cups his hands under yours and furthering his inspection by leaning his face towards the stone. Like an old crow entranced with any shiny bauble, "H-How?" He question, his voice trembles lightly.

When you explain to him where you four were for the past two hours, his eyes almost bugged out from behind his mask. "Pardon?! You're telling me you four actually went to the Dwarfs' Mine in search of a magestone?" The tone of Crowley's voice was one of disbelief at our actions, it caused the four of you to answer with confusion. "Uh.. Yes?" You piped up after with hesitance, "...Were we not supposed to?"

Crowley places his hand over his chin in thought, his eyes finding his shoes more appropriate to be on. "I didn't expect that you four would seriously do it." He mutters incredulously, his eyes slowly gaze back onto the magestone held in your hand. "And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone!"

He moves the hand near his mouth away and towards the small packet of papers safely tucked under his arm. Grabbing the packet, he holds it up within view of our eyes. "And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents." Grim growls near your ear and points a furry paw at the unabashed Headmage, his ear flames fluttered violently at his growing anger. "Are you serious?! While we were fighting some crazy monster for you, nearly kicking the bucket, you were already expelling us?!!"

Crowley's eyes seemingly grew in size, his head tilts ever so slightly. " "Monster"...?" Ace butts in and further validates Grim's story, "Yeah. There was a monster, all right. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!"
That caught Crowley's full attention, his body language seems to be more serious and mature, like an actual Headmage of a College. "Would you kindly relate this story in full?"

Ace answers his question with a nod, Crowley turns to face the door. "We must converse in a more private area, come with me to my office, all of you." As we exited out of the chamber, we follow Crowley down the interior hallways of Night Raven.

The pictures that line the halls all seemed to be sleeping, their painted eyes were shut and their shallow breaths were proof enough. A dull sparkle of red catches your eye, looking over you spot Deuce and Ace's stones faintly glowing red in the darkness of the hallway.

Giggling at the little "nightlights", you turn you attention back onto Crowley's back as the five of you finally made it into the confines of his office.

・゚:✧・゚:Hҽαԃɱαɠҽ'ʂ Oϝϝιƈҽ:・゚✧:・゚

The lanterns in his office lit up the room the minute Crowley enters bathing the room in light. The room had a certain purple theme going on, with exception of the large dark brown wooden desk paired with an antique-style chair behind it in the center of the room.

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