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- Snow White,
Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves",

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Y/n's POV

"Is it normal to have a headrush when traveling through magical mirror portals?" I asked out loud as I hold the sides of my head, stumbling around the grassy path. "Careful Y/n, you might end up falling over. Here, use my arm to steady yourself till you feel better." Deuce grasps my hand and places it over his forearm.

Tilting my head towards Deuce, I flash him a thankful smile. "Thanks Deuce... I'm still new to this whole "Magical-filled World". And... I don't do well with motion sickness, but I'll learn to get over it."
"Its.. Its not a problem. These things happen to anyone.." Deuce's cheeks gain a pale pink flush that he soon turns away from me, continuing to guide me down a path.

Ace crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow, as he observes my current state. "Geez.. So, what you said was true. You really aren't from here, or more specifically, anywhere in Twisted Wonderland." He catches up to us and matches our stride. This catches Deuce's full attention, his eyes hold curiosity.

Nodding, I take the time to shake of the nausea by taking slow breaths.

"Yeah.. In my world, magic is little to non existent. The only magic I've seen or heard of is either spiritual, illusionary, ritualistic and even astronomical. But there are many more factions in my world growing and thriving, so it is impossible to even name them all!"

Feeling the world has stopped spinning, I stand to my full height and pat Deuce's arm "I'm feeling better now. Thanks again Deuce." Letting my hand fall from his arm, Grim paws at my legs. "You didn't tell me that! So there's still magic-"
I picked the feline up and hold him in my arms, booping his nose.

"Because it's still a growing community, I can go on about a quick history lesson about the the last time people used magic and how it ended horribly for them. But we're on a time crunch! Find the Mines, find a magestone, bring it to Birdbrain."

Grim's ears press themselves flat, little grumbles and mumbles leave his mouth as he finally drops the conversation.

While walking, I see that the path we are taking is leading us towards a cottage- 'Wait a second.. That's!'

"So this is the Dwarfs' Mine...
Long ago, this mine was flushed with magestones." Deuce explains.

Grim shivers in my arms, "Urgh... Who knows what lurks in there now?" the little cat squeaks. Ace's eyes finally catch the sight of the cottage, "Look, I can see a house. Let's see what the people there have to say- Ah?! WAIT, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!" "MRRRRAAAAAHHHH! DO-N'T JOS-TLE ME-EEEE AROU-UN-ND!!!" Grim screams.

Sprinting past Ace and Deuce, I run over the tiny bridge and down the walkway that leads to the door. 'Its the Cottage of the Seven Dwarves! Oh my god!!! My inner child is screaming to be free!' Grasping at the door's handle, pushing it open and was greeted with.. A very sad sight.

Dust, cobwebs, a musty smell and an abandoned atmosphere to pair with this place, "Hey! What gives?! Why did you just barge in like this is your home?!" Ace scolds me.

Deuce looks astonished at how unkempt the cottage was, but remembering that this was basically trespassing, he calls out to anyone who might be listening. "Hellooo? Is anyone home...? Must be empty. It looks like it's been abandoned.. And who knows for how long."

Grim hops out of my arms and looks around, creeped out at the dark dinning room. The feline turns his head, walking into something thin and silky. "Bwah!!" His paws desperately wipe away at his muzzle, "I got a spider web on my face! Ptchoo! Ptchoo!!" "Look at me for a sec!" Kneeling down towards Grim, I pull the webbing off of him and toss it out. "Thanks human."

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