Uɳҽxρҽƈƚҽԃ Rσσɱαƚҽʂ

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Y/n's POV


'WHAT A DUMP!' I stare at this abandoned, boarded up yet somehow still standing dormitory. The stone stair path is lined up with lit lanterns '... God, please let the water and lights work..'

I walk up to the gateway, pushing it open and hearing the screams of the damned- I mean the iron gate screeching in protest from finally moving for so long.

'Hello to you too..' I mentally mock. "This is too much character, if you ask me." I direct the verbal jab at Crowley, completely oblivious at my comment, Crowely pushes me through the gates and up the stone stairways. "Isn't it delightful?"

Stepping up onto the patio, Crowley pulls a key off his keyring with many keys, he unlocks the door and hands me the key to my new dormitory. It was a black slim key, near the head of the key it was a shape of a mouse head with two symmetrical ears on it's sides.

"Right, scoot inside now. There you go." Opening the door, stepping inside, and immediately walking into a low hanging web. "SON OF A- EWWW!!" I pull the web off my face and hair, waving and shaking around like a crazy person. Hearing Crowley clear his throat, he pulls the rest of the webbing down and tosses it outside.

"This should keep the elements at bay for the time being.." He pats my head one last time, placing my new cleaning supplies by my feet, and heads back towards the entrance.

"Now I should return to my research. Do try to find someway to busy yourself, perhaps searching for the Master bedroom and cleaning it up would be a great start, the water and lights do work in this Dormitory. This building may be abandoned but the utilities are still functional- Ah! But the stove in the kitchen is not a gas stove, so you must collect wood if you want to cook. So I must apologize for that inconvenience."

Shaking my head at his apology I reassure him "I'll probably scavenge around the Dorm for anything that's broken that could be replaced, recycle the wood for a final purpose." I answer truthfully, if its broken, why keep it around?

Crowley stares in disbelief but quickly composes himself. "I-I see.. That's understandable." He straightens up. "But don't let me catch you wandering the campus!" Turning around to exit he leaves with a loud "Ta-ta!" and shuts the door, causing a light layer of dust to rise and dance around the air.

"It's like a desolate snowscape. Only with dust.."

Looking at the only giant dirty bay window in the Lounge, I sigh grabbing a squeegee bottle of Window Cleaner, blue rubber gloves and a bright yellow reusable rag.

Walking up to the dirt-speckled window, balancing on my knees on the striped-sofa, I sprits the window a couple times across the window and was greeted with an lavender-chemically smell. The cleaning solution bubbled and foamed lightly, pulling the gloves over my hands before swiping the window with the rag.

The grime easily wiped away showing the sight on the other side of the window. It was pouring heavily outside, lightly flooding the stairs and walkways leading up to my Dorm.
"Looks like it's started to rain.." I mused hearing the harsh pitter-patter of rain, muffled since I'm indoors.

Cleaning the bottom half of the windows, I start to consider taking off my boots to try and reach the upper half of the window.. 'But I should come back to that idea later, maybe sweeping the floors first before I take off my boots.. All this dust caking my ground slappers? No thanks.'

Getting off the sofa, I placed the damp rag in my new bucket. Picking up the push broom and opening the entrance door, the built-in awning doing it's job slightly keeping the patio floor dry since there was a couple holes in the wood above.

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