"Tσԃαყ ιʂ α Gσσԃ Dαყ ƚσ Tɾყ."

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- Quasimodo,
Disney's Hunchback of
Notre Dame, 1996.

ωαяƒѕ' мιηє - ιηтєяισя

Y/n's POV

Ghosts. Too many ghosts for my liking. They are everywhere down this path in the tunnel, all of them had various mining equipment. It would have been hilarious, if they weren't actively trying to "make friends" with the living. The living in this scenario, being us.

"More ghosts?! They're floating around here too!" Ace exclaims.

"If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. Let's keep moving." Deuce insists.

"Sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader." Ace sneered as he pushes past Deuce and Grim. "The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled." Ace ranted as he trudged through the rocky path.

"Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window cleaning punishment!" Deuce argued back, he returns Ace's push with a shove.

I follow behind the two, carefully minding my step since I was wearing flats. Feeling a sudden weight on my head, I relaxed when I feel the weight was in fact Grim just piggybacking on my head.

"Hey Grimmy, how you holding up?" I ask the feline, with a free hand I reach up and scritch under his chin. "Ugh... All this anxiety is messing with my stomach human." Grim grumbles with nausea.

"So we're bringing up ancient history now? Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when furball torched that statue!" Ace barked and points an accusatory finger at Grim.

"Myah?! Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of us!" Grim retorts. His hackles raised in defense, his tail whipping in aggression.

"Not to mention, treating me like I was a shameful liar, for telling you that I'm from whole other world entirely.. I really felt welcomed." I glared at Ace, slapping his finger away from my direction, shoving past Ace only to be stopped by Deuce.

"Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?! If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled!" He screams.

Ace picks his ear in annoyance, sparing Deuce a scowl. "Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast." He fumes.

Crossing my arms, I watch how this argument is getting us nowhere.


My blood ran cold, a gaggle of gooseflesh perked up all over my body, tightening my grip on my pickaxe. Turning my face to look over my shoulder, my eyes scan the area fervently, yet I cannot see anything too deep in the cave. This does not settle my nerves.

"Wait... I think I heard a voice just now." The two were arguing too loud and did not hear me. Huffing, I drop my pickaxe and reach over to pinch their ears. One betwixt each thumb and pointer finger. Both boys writhe in pain, begging to be let go.

"If I let go, will you two finally calm down and listen?!" I hissed at them, they whine and comply to my demands. Setting their ears free, I gestured for them to get low and to keep quiet, picking up my pickaxe, we find a cave pillar thick enough for all four of us to hide behind.

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