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Y/n's POV

"Off with your Head."

A trail of sparkles flew from Riddle's pen circling around Grim's neck and a heart shape collar appears latching and locking itself. It was a metal heart shaped collar, one side was black and the other red, it was lined with a gilded gold outline that holds the padlock in place keeping it from opening. The padlock had a matching black-and-red heart keyhole and black and yellow diagonal stripes on the padlock's base.

"Myah?! W-What are you doing?!" Grim chokes out, the whip around him unravels and goes limp on the floor, I ravel the whip back up and held it by my hip. Riddle strolls up towards Grim while reciting a rule. "The Queen of Hearts' Rule 23: One must never bring a cat to a formal affair."

Riddle is now infront of Grim staring him down at him like he was on trial "Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately." Grim struggles to hold up the heavy looking collar so he could at least talk back somewhat. "But I ain't a cat either! Don't you try to collar me! I'll burn it right off!!"

He blows but no flames show up. "Huh...? Wh-what gives?! My fire ain't workin'!" He panics and tries blowing again, again and again, but still no fire. Feeling like there is no longer any danger I move towards Riddle and stand side-by-side with him, the Red-haired boy places his hands on his hips "Until I decide to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're naught but a pet cat now." a smugness present in his tone, Grim sweats out of nervousness and some fear from the explanation.

"M-MeowWhat?! I ain't NOBODIES pet NOTHING!" He shakes his fuzzy head in denial and yowls. Riddle's seriousness comes back as he reassures Grim "Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet."

I glanced back down at Grim almost feeling sorry for the poor guy.. Maybe I shouldn't have helped in his capture.
"The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus."

Azul laughs and begins to congratulate Riddle "Good show as always, Riddle. Your signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy." A dangerous glint gleams in his eyes and a overly greedy smile spreads across his face,
"I've just GOT to have it-" he stops himself, closing his eyes and pushing up his glasses, clearing his throat and crossing his arms smiling with a fake smile. "I mean. I've just got to have respect for it. "

'That was obviously not what you meant, I've got my eye on you Azul.. I don't trust him.'

"And you, Y/n was it?" Azul turns towards me, his 'smile' not faltering, he poses resting his left hand on his forearm and the right slightly facing up. "That was an outstanding show of the phrase 'Thinking on your toes'. That is a very rambunctious familiar, you must have such patience to handle such a little rascal, that is a very rare trait amongst you humans." He compliments but I can tell it wasn't genuine.

Crowley's voice booms around the room. "Y/n!" He marches over and towers above all three of us but his eyes stay glued on me the whole time. "Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar?!"

'That's it, I'm done with him assuming Grim's mine. Time for me to set HIM straight!' "Now discipline your-" I sharply cut him off "Will you STOP calling Grim my familiar?! He isn't mine, he broke in your school and tried to steal these-" I gesture to the robes on my body "Robes so he could attend here!" Crowley stopped mid-sentence his anger is replaced with confusion. "What's that? It.. He isn't yours?" I hold up my arms in exasperation. "I've been trying to tell you this WHOLE time! But you've been showing me around and talking over each TIME!"

He mumbles to himself and clears his throat sheepishly. "Then I shall have him expelled from campus. I shall even spare him from being served as dinner. My, but I AM kind." He looks behind himself, at the scorched walls of the chambers and ragged looking students, with a smile. "Someone take this away, please." A random student walks up behind Grim and grabs him by his underarms, the student makes eye contact with me and he nervously hides his eyes underneath his scruffy dark purple hair, he goes to follow behind Crowley escorting Grim off the premises.

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