Tԋҽ Hҽαԃɱαɠҽ Jσιɳʂ ƚԋҽ Sρσσƙყ Bσყʂ.

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3rd Person POV


After a lot of trial and error, Grim lets out a mighty yowl and shoots out a stream of blue fire in a wide spread, hitting all three ghosts, in turn, all three specters scream and scatter.

"We gotta get out of here! Before we disappear for good!"

Two disappear in the walls and one shoots up towards the ceiling. Leaving Grim and you alone, Grim looks around expecting to be jump scared.

"Huh... Did we... Win?" He asks you, still unsure of whether or not it was safe. Not feeling any strange presence surrounding the hallway, you turn to Grim and gave him a thankful smile.

"They're still in the house... But Grim-" He looks up at you just in time when you squat down in front of him.

He flinches when you reach towards him with your hand, but instead of a hit, your fingers gently pet and brush through his fur. His body erupts in a warm tingling feeling, your hands were warm and kind on his fur he almost missed what you said next.

"Thanks for your help, you were incredible bossman~" Your tone at the end was teasing, but he was too distracted by your kind and reassuring pets, his ears flatten down instinctively. "Aw, geez. I was scared outta my-" he blinks his eyes to snap out of his trance and huffed, looking away but not moving away from you or your pets.

"I mean, they didn't faze me one bit!" He then crosses his arms and smirks, seemingly unfazed by the fright he went through, he began to boast and taunt, he was starting to purr softly without him knowing. "Just a walk in the park for a mage of my caliber! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosts?! That's right!"

You couldn't help but giggle and go under his chin to scratch, Grim signs in content and closes his eyes in bliss. Footsteps are heard outside and the door opens, Crowley enters with a rolling suitcase pulled behind him and a tupperware with something warm inside since the contents of the tupperware are hidden by it's own steam. 'Food..' You can't remember the last time you ate, so whatever was in this tupperware, you were extremely starving and ready to eat.

Y/n's POV
"Good Evening, Miss Y/n. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner."

Crowley's eyes nearly bugged out his mask at the sight of Grim and I. "Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!" Grim, moving away from my hand now that I stoped, he smirks and recrossed his little arms.

"Takin' care of yer ghost problem, that's what. You're welcome, by the way!"

Crowely's eyes turned to me for answers. "What is the meaning of this? 'Ghosts'? Did you encounter ghosts here in Ramshackle?" I tell Crowley the gist of what happened after he left and how Grim and I teamed up and took care of them, making sure to leave out the part with the whole: "Grim shooting around blindly" and "I bribed Grim into cooperating with me."

'He doesn't need to know about that anyway. Not now at least...'

Crowley seemed to have remembered something as he touches his chin in thought. "But you know, on that topic. I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes... That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students." He gestures between Grim and I.

"And you're saying that you two joined forces to drive them away?" Grim floats up to be eye-level with Crowley. " "Joined forces" ain't exactly how I'd describe it." He then put his spin on the truth. "More like I drove 'em away, and she watched. And I only did it cause I wanted some tuna and grub."

I felt my eye twitch involuntarily and my anger rise. "I did more than just "watched" Headmage. I made sure that he didn't fire blindly and burn down my only shelter from the cold and the rain!" I retort, pinching and pulling both of Grim's cheeks as punishment, the little punk meowing and squirming in pain.

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