Dσɳ'ƚ Lαυɳƈԋ Yσυɾ Cʅαʂʂɱαƚҽʂ. Sҽҽɱʂ ʅιƙҽ α Gσσԃ Iԃҽα αƚ Fιɾʂƚ.

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Narrator's POV

The trio chased Grim all around the School grounds, just for the silly game of "Follow that Grim" to end in the Cafeteria. With Ace and Deuce trying to shoot Grim off the chandelier, that the little monster has decided to perch himself on.

"Argh! Stop hopping around like that!" Ace snaps as he once again misses the feline that dodged his spell by hopping on another arm of the Chandelier.

Grim looks down with at the three while laughing arrogantly. "Catch me if you can!"

Deuce points his pen at Grim, fuming at the obvious disadvantage. "No fair climbing the chandelier, you coward! I haven't really learned flight magic yet.."

Deuce places his hand near his mouth, his index finger just under his lips. "What could I summon to hold onto him...? Hmmm..."

Y/n glares at the haughty feline, as Grim easily wraps his tail around the base of the chandelier as he leans back on his haunches, crossing his paws in victory.

"I thought we were together in this Grim! What happened to our deal with the Headmage?"

Grim leans over the side and scowls down at you.

"Our deal to be the Headmage's "honorary janitorial staff"? What about it?! I did my share of cleaning with you, henchwoman. But now we gotta clean a hundred windows- as punishment?! Nuh-uh, no way! Not gonna happen!"

"Oh! That's it!" Deuce's sudden shout catches your attention as you turn around to see Deuce pointing his magical pen right in Ace's direction.

"Did you come up with somethi-"
Oblivious, Ace asks if Deuce has a plan, just for him to turn towards his classmate and flinch at the sight of Deuce's pen pointed right at him.

His cherry eyes are wide and darting between the pen and Deuce, he rushes his words out of his mouth. "Oh, hey! Stop what are you doing?!" Ace holds up his hands in a useless attempt to shield himself from Deuce. "Why are you pointing your pen at me/him?!" You and Ace demand for Deuce to answer.

Which frankly, was equally as crazy as his actions. "Because I'm going to launch you."

Y/n decides to intervene. "Whaaat?! Pump the breaks there Deuce! Think about where all of us are, right now, at this point and time!" But your words fall on deaf ears as Deuce has already casted the levitation spell.

Ace's feet leave the floor, as he struggles to stay upright. Not used to the feeling of being raised off the ground, unwillingly. "Are you kidding me?! Bwaaah! Put me down! Seriously, do NOT launch me! Abort! ABORT!" Ace screams as Deuce glides his pen over to his opposite side, Ace looks at you. Panic and fright on in his eyes, in a last ditch attempt. He begs and pleads for your help, "Y/n! Help me out of this, before this idiot kills me!!"

Worried for Ace's safety, you grab onto Ace's hand and try to use your body's weight to sort of anchor the poor boy. All the while trying to yell at Deuce. "Deuce, wait! Don't launch him! There's two brooms-" Ace cuts you off " "BROOMS"?! Where?!"

Deuce tightens his grip on his magical pen. Eyeballing the chandelier, more specifically Grim. "Just make sure to grab him tight." Soon you feel your feet start to leave the ground, your grip now upgrading to two hands clutching Ace's arm.

"I've got him in my sights, and... Go!"


Y/n's POV

It was as if the world was in slow motion. As our screams travel through the air, they startle Grim. As the feline turns around to see what going on, our bodies collide with the chandelier.

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