The Hale House

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Megan woke the second the first human entered their makeshift camp. "Isaac, wake up." She said shaking him.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" he asked still in a sleepy daze.

"There are humans outside." She growled. "And I don't think they're friendly."

"They're probably just coming to tell us to move," Isaac said sleepily.

"I smell gunpowder." She said.

That made him open his eyes wide. "Hunters?"

"Or the cops." She said getting up and pulling him up. "We have to warn the others."

"I'll do it. Wait here." He begged, opening the zipper of the tent silently. She nodded.

"Hurry and be careful!" she told him.

"Always." He promised before slipping out.

She kept her ears tuned to every noise outside, every cicada, every crunch of branches. It was as though the humans didn't even want to stay hidden. She heard the shout immediately and jumped out of the tent, not bothering for shoes, and ran.

"Isaac!" she called.

"I'm here, babe." He called. She headed towards his voice.

"Hello, ma'am. I was just letting your boyfriend here that you can't camp out in the preserve for longer than 14 days. And according to our records, today is your 15th." The deputy informed her.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." She lied.

"That's understandable, but I'll need you folks to evacuate the area by this afternoon, or I'll have to issue a ticket." The deputy said, with an apologetic smile.

She nodded. She knew it would happen eventually. Especially after the McCall kid had found them. "We'll be out of here ASAP." She informed him.

"Glad to hear it. It's really not safe out in these woods." He informed them. She suppressed a laugh. It definitely wasn't dangerous out here for her.

"Thank you, deputy," Isaac said as the man nodded and walked off.

"Can't wait to tell the others." Megan sighed.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be super happy about it," Isaac replied sarcastically.

They headed back to the tents to inform their pack. Obviously, none were pleased.

"Are you kidding me?" Serena asked, arms crossed. She had mid-length black hair, fair skin, and dark green eyes.

"Where are we supposed to go now?" Alan asked, his arm around Serena. Alan had fair skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and broad shoulders. He was 5'9 and towered over his girlfriend Serena who was only 5'4.

"Actually, I had an idea about that," Isaac spoke, running his hands through his mid-length hair. The pack turned to face him. "When I was still a beta, the Hales had a house on the preserve. It was severely burned in the fire, but it was still standing." He turned to face Megan, "Maybe someone could help fix it up?" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. Megan smiled. He was cute when he did that.

"How far away is it, exactly?" Ben asked. He was 6 feet tall with fair skin, thick dark brown hair, and emerald eyes.

"It's not too far from here," Isaac replied.

"Alright, you heard the man. Load up the duffels and let's go." Megan commanded. The pack moved out and headed back to the tents.

After everything had been packed, they covered the pawprints that were left behind by those of them who could do a full shift. They took down all the tents and they set out for the Hale house.

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