When Boy Meets Boy

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"So, how'd it go?" Liam asked. Theo didn't answer, just walked straight past him, almost knocking down Corey in the process.

"Guess that answers that question." Mason mumbled.

Theo scoffed. It deeply bothered him that it had been so easy for Isaac and Ben to take him down. And for M to figure out what Theo had been attempting to hide from everyone, maybe even himself, that quickly was just plain embarrassing. How was it possible that just a few years ago, he had been the evil mastermind who'd be able to read people easily and be able to manipulate them into doing what he wanted, and now. Now it seemed more like he was the one being manipulated. He sighed and pulled on his hair. If M knew his feelings for Liam, it meant she could exploit them. This had been exactly what he'd been worried about when he had realized he cared about Liam in the first place. He sighed again. He'd do anything he could to protect Liam and make sure M didn't sink her claws in him, literally or metaphorically.

"You ok?" Corey asked him.

"Fine. Let's just get out of here."


"Where else?" Theo asked jokingly. "Just get the others." Corey nodded and headed off.


Ben walked out onto the front porch. He dug around in his pocket for his cigs and lighter. He lit one and took his first drag. He exhaled the smoke and ironically felt himself breathe properly. It's a metaphor, he thought to himself and chuckled.

"You smoke?" A voice asked from his right. Ben looked up to see a handsome young man looking at him. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

"You don't?" he asked in response.

"Not for a while." The young man shrugged. "No point since the bite."

Ben scrunched his brows. "Seriously?" He reached into his pocket for another one. "Here." He said, holding it out to him. The young man looked at him in surprise. "Just take it. It's not poisoned." The man walked toward him and reached for the cig and put it in his mouth. Ben reached forward and lit it for him, their eyes meeting. The young man inhaled and coughed.

"Holy shit. What is that?" he asked, still coughing.

"Well, when I said it wasn't poisoned, I might have lied," Ben said. "It's got a bit of wolfsbane ground in with the nic. Not enough to hurt you, though. Just enough for it to actually let you feel something."

The man nodded and took another drag. "It's good." He said, not coughing as much now.

"Thanks. Rolled it myself."

"You always make your own cigarettes?" He asked.

"They don't exactly sell ones with wolfsbane. Though they'd probably make a killing if they did." He said, taking another drag. He exhaled the smoke in small O shapes.

"It's Alec, by the way." The young man spoke up after a few minutes.

"Ben." He replied.

"Nice to meet you. You one of those new wolves in that she-wolf's pack?" He asked.

"Yeah. What did she say her name was?" He chuckled.

"M, I think." He said, inhaling again. "She does have an actual name, right? No one's been able to figure anything out about her yet."

Ben laughed for what felt like the first time in months. "No, she doesn't. It's some weird birth defect." He replied.

"That's a reference, right?"

"Yeah, but I can't remember what it's from if I'm honest."

"Hate it when that happens." He took another drag. "You from around here?"

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