Looming Threat

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Ben and Nolan sat at the table quietly. Ben looked around the room to avoid eye contact. The uncomfortable feeling was nearly palpable in the room.

"So, uh." Nolan started. Ben looked at him hesitatingly. "I'm Nolan." He said, then cringed.

"Y-you mentioned." Ben stuttered.

"Right." Nolan nodded slowly. "Alec and I live together." He added.

"I kinda figured," Ben said.

"Like as friends!" Nolan clarified, speaking a little too loud. Ben winced at the volume. "Sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay. Thanks for telling me." Nolan gave a small smile.

"Alright, so Scott said that to stay low and that he'll tell the rest of the pack to stay indoors," Alec said, walking back into the room.

"Okay," Ben said. "I should probably call mine. Thanks for talking to me Nolan." He said to the brunet.

"No, problem." Nolan gave a small smile. Ben nodded and headed down the hall and pulled out his phone. He stepped into the closest room and shut the door behind him. He dialled the number and held the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Ben." Megan's voice came from the other end of the line. Voice as cheerful as ever.

"Is everyone home?" He rushed out.

"Um, no?" She replied, question in her tone. "Ben, what's this about? I thought you were out with Alec? What's wrong?" She asked, sounding more concerned by the minute.

"I'm with Alec. Who else isn't home?"

"Theo and Paul. They went for a drive. I'm not sure where they ended up."

Ben felt his heart quicken. "How long ago did you talk to them?"

"About an hour," Meg replied. "Not since they left."

"Can you call them? And find out where they are?" Ben asked, nearly sick with worry.

"Benjamin, tell me what's going on." She commanded. Ben sighed as he went through all the events that had just occurred, excluding the bit about kissing Alec.

"Holy shit." She said when he was done.


"One second." She said as Ben heard her phone chime. "Alright, Paul just texted. He said they're on their way back. I'll tell him to hurry and be careful."

"Okay. Good." Ben said, releasing a breath of air he hadn't even realized he's been holding.

"But we should still try to get into contact with Derek and Peter as well. Ask Alec if he has Peter's number just in case they're not together. Someone should also check on the hellhound."

"I'm checking in with Peter now. And I think Lydia's at Jordan's, so they should be safe." Alec spoke, knowing Megan could hear him over the phone.

"Got it. Isaac's calling Derek now."

"Okay good."

"I'll let you know what else I learn. Be careful, Ben." Megan spoke.

"And Ben, stay inside, okay?" You're probably safer with Alec and Nolan right now than if you were here." Isaac soothed.

"Okay. You too. And tell everyone I said hi and that I love them." Ben replied.

"We love you too!" He heard Cris' voice on the other end.

"Tell Alec to take care of our boy." Serena said.

"I'll do my best!" Alec called over his shoulder.

"I'll talk to you guys later." Ben said and hung up the phone. He sat back down at the island and buried his head in his hands. Nolan hesitantly reached out and pressed a hand to Ben's forearm. He looked up and met his sight. "Thanks." He muttered. Nolan nodded, shooting him a small smile.

"You know, after all this, we're going to need a really big group chat." Alec joked.

"The biggest group chat." Nolan agreed.

"Thank god we already had the party." Ben said. "Meg would be pissed to no end if we had to cancel it for this." Alec chuckled and gave Ben a small smile.

"I'm sure she'd be unbelievably mad that all her hard work had been for nought." Alec replied.

"Most definitely." Ben agreed.


The three of them spent the next hour checking in with everyone and trying to come up with some sort of plan. They had realized that, in all likelihood, it was probably the group of hunters that had been chasing them since Monroe had gone to jail. That they had finally tracked them down. Ben still didn't know all the facts of what had happened in Paris or what Isaac was hiding, but it didn't matter anymore. They still didn't know how many hunters there were. Jordan hadn't heard of anyone in town, and there hadn't been any police reports about anyone getting shot at.

"Couldn't we just go after them ourselves?" Theo asked from the phone. "Between all of us, we'd probably be fine."

"That's a terrible idea! We don't even know how many there are or where they're hiding out!" Cris reminded him.

"That's actually a really good point." Scott replied from Alec's phone.

"Man, I'm so happy I decided to stay in Beacon Hills for longer than I originally planned. So thankful I didn't miss this." Stiles added in from Nolan's phone.

"Honestly, Stiles, I kinda forget you were back home." Alec said.

"That's lovely, Alec. So glad I'm so important around here." Stiles said sarcastically. Ben chuckled. He hadn't met the man yet, but he had already decided that he liked him. He had a similar kind of humour as himself as well as Theo and Isaac. He felt that it made sense that they'd kept him around.

"Guys, focus. Please." Scott sighed, clearly frustrated. Ben could almost see Theo roll his eyes over that entire conversation.

"Not-so-respectively, I've already forgotten who most of you are. I just want to know what our plan of attack is." Serena spoke.

"What do you want to know, Ser." Isaac said.

"How are we going to kill these guys, for starters." Serena replied. "We all know we can't just stay inside for the rest of time. How are we getting rid of those assholes?"

"We're not going to kill them, for starters!" Scott said.

"Probably a bad idea to discuss these plans on the phone." Peter added in. "Just in case they're monitoring the phone lines."

"Not to mention the concept that you really shouldn't threaten to kill someone to Stiles or myself." Jordan added as well.

"God, it feels like our lives have jump-started again." Ben sighed, pulling at his hair.

"It really does." Megan agreed. "I've cast another protection spell just in case they get through the first one. I also casted a remote protection spell on you, Ben and you, Derek. Hopefully, that should all help a lot."

"I also just spoke to Argent. He's going to look up some old contacts and find out if any of them are here." Scott informed them.

"Well, that's good. But, we should all try to be in the same place." Stiles thought out loud.

"Any chance this place has underground tunnels?" Theo asked sarcastically.

"No. Of course not." Peter and Derek said at the same time.

"Wait. We do know a place that could work. Right, Theo?" Stiles said.

Theo shuddered, knowing exactly what Stiles was referring to, and it wasn't a very comfortable memory. But he kept his voice steady regardless. "We sure do, Stiles. We sure do."

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