Heads Carolina, Tails California

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"So, um, that happened," Liam said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck again. Theo was starting to worry that Liam would develop a rash on the back of his neck if he kept it up.

"Sure did." He grinned proudly as he took in the sight of Liam's swollen red lips. He took his hand and intertwined their fingers. He figured he was probably allowed to hold Liam's hand if he had just kissed him like that. Liam's blush grew a deeper shade of crimson. They were sitting in the bed of Theo's truck. He had spread out a blanket to make the uneven surface a little more comfortable, but it wasn't really working. But the already large pain in his ass kept him from doing anything more with Liam right now, so he supposed it was for the better. Liam cuddled closer to Theo's side, and he could barely keep his heart from racing. Sure, they had been closer when they had kissed earlier, but it was different now.

"Are you guys going camping or something?" Liam asked, finally taking in all the vehicles surrounding the entrance to the Hale house and all the bags and tents within them.

"Something like that," Theo said somewhat honestly. "Wanna spend the night?" He asked, changing the subject not so subtly. "We'd have to spend the night on a blow-up mattress in the living room, but it's not too bad. The blankets are pretty warm." He said, hopefully convincing his new boyfriend.

"Sounds good to me," Liam said, resting his head on Theo's shoulder, already nearly asleep.

"Then get your lazy ass up and help me bring in this blanket." Liam groaned but got up regardless.

"Carry me," Liam said, lifting his arms like an overgrown toddler and jutting out his bottom lip. Theo resisted the urge to bite it.

"Yeah, right. That's definitely not happening."

"Boo, you whore."


Liam awoke the following day to the feeling of Theo's arm draped over his hip, which was a welcome feeling. He snuggled into him before he realized what had woken him. The voices were coming from the kitchen. He sighed realizing he was definitely not getting any more sleep tonight. He checked the watch on Theo's wrist that read 11 AM and groaned. It was an acceptable hour to get up. He untangled Theo's arm from his waist and got up. He heard Theo whine as Liam's body heat disappeared.

"Lee-um," Theo complained. "Where'd you go?" His voice was deeper than usual.

"We got to get up. There're voices in the kitchen." Liam replied, putting on his shoes. Theo groaned and blinked open his green eyes, which Liam swore were greener than usual. Theo put on a shirt and shoes, and they headed into the kitchen.

As they walked into the kitchen, they noticed that the Rockies pack was in attendance, but so were Stiles, Derek and Alec, who had seemingly also slept over as they were also wearing pajamas. "Morning, sleepyheads," Cris said as they entered the kitchen and ruffled Theo's hair.

"Bite me," Theo replied and headed towards the cabinet to grab a Dollar store mug for each of them, poured in the coffee grounds, and heated their donated kettle, courtesy of Melissa McCall.

"Alright, so I was thinking maybe South Dakota? Or maybe Montana? North Carolina?" Isaac said.

"What are you talking about?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, Isaac, those first two are nearly 3000 miles apart," Theo said.

"More like 879 km. 546 miles." Cris said.

"Ok, what are you? Some kind of encyclopedia?" Theo asked. Cris flipped him the finger.

"I just have some really stupid and useless knowledge in my head, 'kay?" He chuckled.

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