Take A Break

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"Stilinski, your phone?" his coworker said.

"What?" Stiles asked. He had zoned out again.

"Your phone has been ringing for the past ten minutes!" She shrieked. "Some of us are trying to finish our paperwork on the Jefferson case, and you've been sitting staring at your ringing phone, like some open-mouthed idiot."

"Not to mention you've had that coroner's report opened on your screen for the past two weeks." Detective Smith weighed in.

"Right, sorry about that." Stiles apologized, noticing that his two coworkers were, in fact, correct. The desk phone had a red light signalling a waiting message. Just as he was about to pick it up and listen to it, his boss appeared from his office.

"Stilinski, get your ass in here!" He called gruffly.

"Coming, boss." He said, minimizing the coroner's report. He grabbed his cell phone from the desk, put it in his pocket and followed his boss into the office.

"Close the door." The man ordered.

Stiles shut it gently and sat at the empty chair. "What can I do for you, sir?" He asked nervously.

"I can tell you've been distracted lately, Stilinski. And that isn't going to fly around here. When people are distracted, people die! And I don't know about you, but that's something I'd like to avoid." He declared.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." Stiles replied.

"Take a break, Stilinski. Go back home to California. We can't afford to have an agent distracted on the job. I need agents that check their problems at the door and focus on the cases they're assigned." He said.

"Sir, that's not necessary!" Stiles defended. "I admit I've been a bit distracted lately, but it's for a good reason. An old friend was found dead in his apartment in Paris, it was suspected as murder, and I'm just trying to figure it out." He admitted.

"I assume the French police can handle that Stilinski. Sorry for your loss, but that's really not something that should concern you. But if it's bothering you that much, I'd suggest you take some time off and properly mourn. Nothing you can do about it from here. And if I find out that you've been using the computers here to look into it, I'll have to suspend you." He reminded him. "Go, have a mini vacation. Insurance will cover a two-week vacation for events like this. Use it."

"Honestly, sir, that's kind of you, but it's not necessary. I don't need the time off."

"I wasn't asking, Stilinski. I'm ordering you. If you aren't going to be an asset right now, I'd rather you weren't a liability."

Stiles swallowed audibly. "Yes, sir. I understand."

"Good, now I'll tell Henry in HR, and he'll clear your schedule with everyone necessary. Now, I recommend you go home early and start packing."

"Yes. Thank you, sir." Stiles said, getting up and shaking his boss' hand.

"Dismissed." His boss said, and Stiles left the office. He went back to his desk, grabbed his water bottle, messenger bag and signed out of the computer. Stiles grabbed his lunch from the fridge and grabbed his jacket from his locker. He headed out of the building without a word and took the bus home.

"Shit." He said when he entered his apartment. He placed his bag on the chair by the door and took off his shoes. He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. He grabbed his lunch bag and headed into his kitchen. He cleaned out his lunch bag and placed it on top of the fridge. He walked over to the sink, washed his hands, took off his tie and sighed. He was happy to be home early, but he was disappointed that this was the reason. He leaned his head back, stretching out his stiff neck and headed to his bedroom. He grabbed the towels and entered his on-suite bathroom. He took his cell phone out of the pocket of his slacks and placed it on the counter. He opened his shirt and made quick work of his slacks, briefs and socks.

He stretched out and turned on the shower. He set the hot water and stepped into the walk-in shower. He let the water wash away his worries as well as the dirt from the day. He stood under the hot water for a minute before leaning down to grab his shampoo. He massaged it through his hair and sighed gently. He rinsed it, letting the suds slide down his body and reached for the conditioner. Once he finished with his hair, he clasped the soap and lathered it on himself. He deeply enjoyed taking showers. He found them relaxing as well as calming. It was also one of the only places where he could let his thoughts travel without them taking over his day. His ADHD riddled brain constantly had so many thoughts, and he was always easily distracted, but that didn't matter in the shower. Some people even encouraged creative thinking in the shower.

When Stiles finished, he turned off the water and towelled himself off. He looked over at his phone, and as though he had made it happen, the screen lit up with a call. He grabbed it and read the name, Lyds it said with a picture of the two of them at grad. He smiled and swiped on the answer button. "Hey, Lyds." He said into the phone.

"Hey, Stiles. How's my favourite FBI agent doing?" Her soft voice said from the other side of the line.

"Eh, you know. Nothing interesting going on here. How's my favourite genius?" He asked as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

"Well, I know that's definitely not true. I'm sure that someone's been killed or done something equally criminal recently."

"Well, that's certainly true. But either way, I'm not getting high profile cases, anyway." Stiles admitted, pulling on his briefs.

"Oh, that's too bad. Hopefully soon, though."

"Yeah, hopefully. Anyway, what's new with you?" He asked, drying his long hair with the towel.

"Oh, not much. Jordan asked me to move in last night." She cooed.

"No, way! That's awesome! Congratulations!" Stiles cheered.

"Thank you! I'm really excited about it. Not that I wasn't practically living there before. Extra clothes in the dresser and that sort of thing."

"Still though, that's pretty great. Seems serious." He said, pulling on his pajama pants.

"Yeah, definitely."

"So, you planning on telling the rest of the pack that you guys are together?" He asked, putting on his shirt.

"We probably should, or else I won't really be able to explain why I'm getting their help to move my stuff into his one-bedroom."

"Yeah, that would probably be confusing. So, you're moving to his place? He's not moving in with you or getting a new place together?"

"I'm not entirely sure. We'll figure it out, though."

"Well, fairly sure you'll have enough hands to help you move in regardless. I actually was planning on going to visit for a little while. Well, technically, my boss told me to take some time off, so." He said, placing his phone in the crook of his neck and heading into the office where he kept his laptop. He booted it up and went to check for flights.

"No way. When?" She squealed.

"No idea, looking now." He explained. "Hmm. Here's one — a flight for November 6 return trip on the 20th. The price isn't too bad, actually. Considering it's coming up so soon. And I wouldn't have to pay for a hotel or anything. I'll just stay with my dad."

"Yeah, that'll work perfectly! Can't wait to see you! And if your dad is busy, we can probably find you someplace to stay. Maybe Derek and Peter have a spare room? Or Scott?" Lydia suggested.

"Maybe, we should. Alright, I bought the tickets. I'll be there soon enough. I'll call my dad and ask if I can stay with him."

"Sounds like a good idea to me."

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