About What Happened In Paris

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"Alright, well. The call with my contacts was a dead end." Argent informed them. "Anyone have any other leads?"

"Wait. I got something." Theo spoke, putting up his hand to stop the group. "Ben, did you happen to get a look at anyone? Or a scent or anything?" He asked, looking to the man on his left.

"No, I didn't. It was actually kind of weird." Ben wrinkled his brows. "It was unsettling because it wasn't just that I couldn't smell them, but I couldn't smell anything. At all. Not even the trees or the dirt or the leaves. And I couldn't hear anything except Alec and I's heartbeats as well and the arrow." He recalled. "Alec, do you remember sensing anything in the forest? Before the arrow, I mean." Ben asked, meeting Alec's eyes.

Alec wrinkled his brows. "No, actually. It was like something was blocking my senses. I didn't even realize it until now." He said slowly.

"Well, that's not terrifying." Stiles said. Ben and Alec nodded.

"Just a bit." Alec agreed.


Liam had spent the entire morning attempting to get Theo's attention. And how he hadn't yet, was beyond him. After all, they were practically packed like sardines underground. But somehow, Liam still couldn't talk to Theo. He had called his name and tried to follow him, but it still didn't work. Somehow Theo always either ignored him or disappeared from view entirely. Liam was tempted to think that perhaps Theo was the next Harry Houdini, but he knew he was a chimera and not a magician, although he kept in the company of them. Liam grinned when he finally saw one of Theo's 'pack' members. Perhaps she could take him to Theo and convince him to listen to Liam's apologies.

Liam walked up to the girl trying to remember her name. He remembered that she had the same name as one of the 'adults' in his pack. He mentally went through the list until he remembered it. Cris Yes, that was it. He tapped her on the shoulder, and she spun around, her face going from confused to angry in a split second as she recognized him. "Uh...hi." Liam stammered out a greeting.

"I don't particularly like you." Cris replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wha-why?" Liam croaked.

"Because you made Theo feel bad at the bonfire." She replied, a sour smell filling her nostrils. The tell-tale sign of guilt and regret. "No one should make him feel like that." She continued.

"I'm sorry."

"I am not the person you should be apologizing to."

"He won't let me apologize. He won't even listen to me!"

"Sounds like a 'you' problem."

"How am I supposed to fix this if he doesn't want to talk to me?" Liam threw his hands in the air exasperatedly.

"Not my problem." She said before hip checking him out of the way and leaving him standing by himself.

Well, that had been useless. Liam thought to himself. He doubted that even being locked together underground like this would help Theo forgive him.


"So, no idea what the hell his sense being blocked could've meant?" Isaac asked. Megan shook her head.

"I've never heard of anything like that before." She ran her hand through her hair. "I hate this. The whole not knowing a thing. We should be the ones they know nothing about. Not the other way around." She sighed, meeting his eyes.

"Are you talking about the hunters or the group in here?" Isaac whispered, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Both, I guess. You know what could happen if they learn too much."

"You shouldn't worry about it. I may not know all of them, but I can still trust Scott and Derek." He reminded her.

"Yeah, but they could find out Paris." She said sternly. "You said it yourself that Stiles wouldn't give up on anything. Let alone what happened there." Her eyes met the back of the man in question's head.

Isaac gulped, eyed, showing his fear that he could never hide from her. "So, maybe we tell them." He whispered.

Megan's eyes went wide, and her jaw went slack. "Are you sure about that? Are you sure they won't judge you for it, or turn you in when all this is over?" She gestured.

"Only one way to find out." He gave her a small smile and a peck on the cheek before running up and jumping on a table. The voices quieted down at the scene. "If I could have everyone's attention." He spoke clearly, like a president about to give a speech. A hush fell open the crowd. "I have something to tell everyone. About what happened in Paris." He said, meeting her gaze. Megan took a deep breath and joined him on the table.

"We both do." She said and gave Isaac a reassuring smile.

"When I went to Paris with Argent, we rented an apartment where I lived for the last six years. And when he came back when Scott called, I stayed. Because I'd met Megan. And we had started a pack together. Our own little family of weirdos." He joked. A couple of their pack chuckled. "And it was cool for a while until..." He took a breath. "The rest of you in BH took down Monroe and Gerard. That was when shit hit the fan."

"And we were no longer safe. Which we had to learn in a very real way." Meg said, voice beginning to shake. Isaac reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers. "And one night, we were attacked after coming home from dinner." Gasps were heard across the room.

"And we were fine, but the man who attacked us was not." Isaac added.

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