Enjoy Your Party

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Megan had honestly been a little happy that the plan of having the party at Lydia's had fallen through due to the fact that parties between two separate packs mainly were unheard of. And the ones that were heard of didn't end on a good note, far from it. It also made Megan uncomfortable to have members of Scott's pack at the party, but she knew that Isaac was looking forward to seeing his old packmates, and it would mean a lot to Theo that Liam was there.

It had taken nearly an entire day to get the abandoned house set up for the party. Derek had loaned them a fold-up table to place the food and drinks on, as well as a cooler for the non-alcoholic beverages and water bottles. They had even had taken the time to string up some white hanging lights that Cris kept referring to as fairy lights. The entire yard was done up beautifully, and Megan almost wished they lived here. Ben had also placed a noise-cancelling spell between this house and its neighbours so that they wouldn't get woken up from the festivities or call the Sherriff's station about 'no-good kids'. Megan herself had put up a protection spell around the area of the house as well as the house itself, which looked like it was due for a cave-in at any moment. The last thing they needed was a pack member getting caught under the rubble.

"How's everything looking, boss?" Alan joked. Megan rolled her eyes but smiled regardless.

"It looks pretty good. I'm very impressed." She nodded.

"By pretty good, do you mean amazing?" Serena asked, wrapping her arms around Alan's neck from behind.

"It's a lot, though, don't you think?" Theo asked. The group's eyes shot over to look at him. Serena wolf-whistled at him, and he played with the collar of his white button-down.

"You clean up nice, Theo." Megan grinned.

"Course he does. I dressed him myself!" Ben called from the ladder, turning on the fairy lights and ensuring they were all working appropriately.

"What about the rest of us?" Cris asked, playing with her gold necklace.

"Everyone and everything looks amazing." Isaac said, pulling Megan into his side.

"That's sweet and all, but when's the food getting here?" Paul asked. "I'm starving."

"Soon, Paul. You'll make people think we never feed you!" Cris chided.

"But you don't!"

"Derek should be here with the food soon." Isaac said, checking the time on his phone. "And everyone else should be arriving shortly. Paul grinned.

"Theo, stop playing with your collar, or I'll break your hand!" Ben exclaimed, beating Theo's hand off the shirt.

"It's scratchy!"

"Too bad. You look good, and I really like that shirt, so you can't break it!" Theo sighed but brought his hand down to his side. Soon enough, people began entering the yard, and the party got into swing rapidly after that.

"So, you guys do this often?" Theo asked, sitting on the log alongside Megan. She grinned, taking another sip of her drink.

"Sometimes." She admitted. "When a new pack member joins. Sometimes just for fun. It's good to have everyone let loose on occasion."

"Isn't that appeasement?"

"Not really. Just try to keep everyone happy. Not like you'll threaten war if we don't." She said, knocking his shoulder with hers playfully. He smiled.

"We'll see." He said, taking another sip of the spiked punch.

"Oh, for sure." She joked. "Man, I love this song!" she exclaimed as C'mon by Kesha started playing. "Wanna dance?" She asked as she got up and reached out a hand.

"Dancing's not really my thing." Theo replied honestly. "Didn't really spend time practicing with the Dread Doctors."

"You mean, they didn't turn on their old-timey record player and teach you how to waltz?"

"Not exactly. Mostly just made me carve open teenagers." He joked, wincing when he realized what he had said. She let out a small laugh and waved him off.

"We all have shitty stories. But we don't let it take over our lives." She smiled and pulled him to his feet.

"Fine. Teach me." He said smirking.

She grasped both of his hands in hers and led him away from the fire. "Follow my lead, k?" She asked. He nodded. She grinned and lifted their arms nearly above their heads; she went underneath his right arm as he went under the left. "Ok, now we step in a turn." She said as he wrinkled his brows. She stepped forward, and he did the same. Their arm over their heads, still clasped together. "Now we slide down. Right hand to right." She said, dropping his hand, and they slid down the arm. She grinned. "Perfect. Wanna try again?" She asked. Theo agreed and followed the steps again. "That's called the bow tie."

"Cool." He grinned.

"Wanna do a spin?" She asked. He agreed, and still clasping one of his hands, she pulled him towards her body so that his back ended up resting on her chest, then she spun him again, and he was back where he started from. He let out a genuine laugh that made Megan's heart swell with pride.

"My turn?" He asked. She nodded, and it was her turn to be spun. He then grabbed her waist and dipped her.

"Oh my god." She giggled as she almost fell, but he caught her.

"Sorry." He apologized, bringing her back up.

"No biggie. Just didn't realize you were going to do that."

"I thought it looked fun."

"Want me to dip you?" She asked. He grinned wildly, and she dipped him as he brought his head back dramatically. She chuckled and brought him back up. "Why, thank you, Theo. It was an honour to dance with you." She giggled as she did a curtsy.

"The pleasure was all mine, miss." He said as he bowed in response. "Thanks, Meg."

"You're welcome." She said and gave him a hug, arms wrapping around his middle. After a moment of hesitation, he hugged her back, and she smiled into his shoulder. "Enjoy your party." She whispered into his ear and let him go.

"I will." He agreed and moved to find the rest of the pack.

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