The Plan

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The pack was currently sat around the McCall living room discussing Nolan and Theo's idea.

"It might work," Argent said.

"But it's stupid, right? And reckless?" Liam asked.

"It might be," Argent replied.

"But it's our best bet," Scott added.

"Really Scott? I thought you'd definitely be against Theo's dumbass plan." Stiles' voice came from the laptop. He gave a concerned look at his best friend.

"Yeah well. Theo's an adult. If he wants to do this he can." Scott replied.

"Listen, Scott. I know I've never really been that approving of Theo's choices but this one takes the cake for bad ideas." Stiles sighed. "Scotty, we barely even know anything about these people. We have no idea we can trust them and we have no idea that Theo isn't going to reveal vital information!" Stiles continued.

"Relax, Stiles. I'm not going to tell them stuff that'll put you guys in danger." Theo said. He really wouldn't. He wasn't the type anymore. Besides Theo knew that anything he told them about the McCall pack would probably only put Liam and the rest of the puppy pack at risk, and he wasn't willing to do that. He actually liked the younger members of the pack as they were more forgiving. This was probably due to that they hadn't had to deal as much with the shit that the older pack members had. They hadn't been possessed by an evil spirit or watched their friend die in order to protect themselves and the countless other traumas that the older pack had to deal with.

"I know that." Stiles sighed. "What I mean is we have no idea who to trust out f that pack. It's been a long time since Isaac lived here. We can't just trust that he's the same scrawny kid who left."

"You're right, Stiles. We don't. Which is why we need someone on the inside to figure that out." Scott said. "And we know from experience that Theo is good at convincing people that they can trust him."

Theo pushed away the urge to growl. He knew that Scott was right about him but he hated being reminded of those days. He regretted all of it, but he couldn't do anything about it now.

"That's not exactly fair, Scott. We all know he's changed." Liam protested. Theo felt his lips try to quirk upwards but he stopped it before it showed.

"Yes. We've all done things we regret and made mistakes. This is all really touching. Now can we please change the subject?" Peter asked.

"Scott, maybe you should go visit the house, first. The longer they stay in your territory, the more they undermine your authority." Derek suggested.

Peter rolled his eyes at his nephew's attempt at convincing Scott to change his mind but he spoke up regardless. "If other packs hear that you let the pack stay in your territory this long, they'll think you've gone soft. That you don't have what it takes to be a 'true alpha'. And they won't hesitate to test it and attempt to kill you. If I were you, I'd" He started, but Scott cut him off with a growl. His eyes glowing crimson.

"But you're not me. You only ever became alpha by murdering your own niece!" Scott chastised. "So, you don't get to tell me how to run my pack. Ever." He turned to look at Derek. "Neither of you do. You're not even pack." He spat the phrase out like poison burning his tongue. Derek and Peter's eyes glowed blue in anger.

Malia placed her open hand on her dad's upper arm to calm him. "Scott, that's a little harsh. Don't you think?" she said. The tension in the air was putrid.

"Relax, Mal. We can see when we're not wanted." Derek said. "C'mon Peter." He said as he walked out the door, shoulder knocking into Scott's as he passed. Peter followed begrudgingly. Malia let them go as her eyes scanned over the other members in the room. No one made a move to do or say anything.

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