We're All Criminals

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"So, we thinking about maybe finishing up the upstairs anytime soon?" Serena asked.

"God, I hope so. I'm tired of all of us sleeping in the hall. I want our own room." Alan complained.

"We can definitely do that. As long as everyone agrees to help out with that." Isaac said.

"No, way. I could break a claw!" Serena said.

"Oh, please, Ser. I've seen you kill things with your claws before," Cris said.

"What did you kill?" Theo asked.

"A squirrel, probably." Serena shrugged and rolled her neck from side to side.

"Right. I keep forgetting you guys are literally the definition of wild." Theo said.

"We're not wild. We're independent." Serena explained.

"Yeah, right, Ser. You're the wildest person I know." Alan said.

Megan laughed. "Hey, Isaac, you get any word on the lake house situation from the banshee?"

"Lydia. And no, nothing yet. I seriously doubt she'd let us use it. I wouldn't." Isaac replied.

"Why don't we just find an empty building or something to do it in?" Paul asked. "Not like we're above committing B&E's, right?"

"Paul, don't be such a criminal. You'll be a bad influence for the rest of the pack." Isaac scolded.

"Oh, come on. We're all criminals, man." Alan said.

"Speak for yourself!" Cris said.

"Eh, it's true enough," Serena said, reaching out to play with Cris' hair.

"I suppose," Cris admitted.

"Hey, any chance I could go out for a bit?" Theo asked casually.

"Where did you wanna go?" Megan asked.

"Probably to tell his real pack about what he's learned about us." Paul said.

"Paul, that's enough. If you want to go, Theo, that's fine with me. You have our numbers, so you can text us if you need to." Megan said.

Theo nodded. "Alright. I'll see you all soon." He said, putting his jacket on and heading to the door.

"See ya, man." Serena said. Theo shot them back a peace sign as he left the house. He made his way to his truck and turned it on. He stretched out his back and checked his phone, revealing a new message from Liam.

Hey. How's it going? The message read.

Theo debated on what to say before settling with It's going good. I'm heading home now. See you later.

It was killing Theo how much time he had been spending away from Liam lately. And he hated the secret agent life that he had suddenly found himself in. He felt a little bad knowing that he'd likely have to tell Scott everything he had learned about the Rockies pack. Now that he had gotten to know Megan a little, he liked her. Well, he somewhat respected her, at least. She was definitely a good alpha, as far as he could tell. He did notice that she seemed rather shut off. She was one of the few who hadn't told him anything about themselves. She kept herself mysterious. It was clear that she cared about her pack and evident that she genuinely did love Isaac. But aside from that, he hadn't been able to gather much about her. From herself or any of the others.

Isaac seemed like a good guy. Blond, tall, handsome, blue-eyed. His mom dying while he was young and being raised by an abusive father had done a number on the young man. Theo could also tell that Isaac, much like him, had spent many a time feeling lonely. He seemed to thrive in the pack he and Megan had built. Theo couldn't help but think that if circumstances had been different, it was possible that he and Isaac could have been great friends. They had much in common, including terrible childhoods.

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